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UI24R Views and Mute Groups

EurekaStudioEurekaStudio Posts: 13
edited December 2024 in Soundcraft Mixing Consoles

Hi, i have some doubts and questions about View Groups and Mute Groups. i m using UI24R from a PC connected via LAN, but i feel this will happens even in Local with HDMI connected to mixer.
1) i created 2 Shows and a Snapshot inside each of them: Band1 and Band2, Snaps1 and Snaps2
2) i set the mixer as i like, differently in each of Snapshots (eq, gain...) and i also set Mute gropus and View groups, that because the two bands are different
3) i saved snapshots of course
4) when i call snapshots the mute and view groups doesnt update, so everytime i switch i have to set again View Groups and Mute Groups!

I watched some video and one of them says that in snapshots will be saved also views and mutes groups, but this doesnt happen to me! is the video wrong, am i wrong or shall i set something into the Mixer Local/Global settings?
Thank you!

EDIT: i see if i export JSON file, it exports my mute and view groups. am i doing right or is there a way to include them in snapshots, so i can "call" a scenario only importing a Snapshot instead of importing snapshots AND json file?


    edited December 2024

    You can understand this system by exporting the shows to your USB pendrive.
    There is a text file what named ".uishow" in each show folder.
    ( This is an invisible file due to the name begins from the period so you should use a method to watch the invisible file. )

    Anyway, view group, mute group, and isolated item list would be saved in a file in each show.
    all of the snapshots in a show will share the same view groups, same mute groups, and same isolation lists.
    If you'd like to use individual view groups, you should make another shows and save snapshots into each show.

  • thank you and happy new year!!! i tried fast to create different Shows with different snapshots inside it, but i have the feel (should i test with more attention?) that switching between different Shows, Mute and View changes "quite random", while i tested JSON file and with Json file it works better. Only in MUTE groups (and not in View groups) there is a button something like "save to global", what does it mean?
    Maybe, the method that you wrote me does it work only using mixer in Local and it doesnt in Remote?


    Local view groups are managed with using cookie from the web browser.
    I only told about the Global view group.
    "Save to global" button makes it save the file.

  • ok i ll test in these days...thank you so much!

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