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Sync USB record start and stop on 2 UI24 consoles?


I'm recording our band rehearsals to USB stick simultaneously on 2 x UI 24 boxes and was wondering if it was possible to sync when I hit record. Otherwise the recordings end up out of sync when importing them to my DAW. I can or course line them up but it takes awhile. I do not have any channels that are audible (without latency) on both boxes so a clapper or otherwise transient wouldn't work.

Any tips on getting the recording to start on both boxes at exactly the same time?



    Not possible in standalone usage.

    You should record a same source audio channel to both units.
    Kick or snare drum or something attacky one would be better. It helps you later when you'll place a pair of groups of 22 tracks into the time line on the DAW software.

    And also, you may use a foot switch ( with Y para cable ) or MIDI signal sender ( with a software which can convert the MIDI signal to WEBSOCKET ) or Stream deck ( with Bitfocus Companion ) or Bitfocus companion to start the recordings at the same timing. I don't think the 2 recordings will start as the correct meaning same timing, though. It needs same tracks for you to sync them manually.

    In the first place, you can use a PC to record instead of internal USB if you might use PC for some softwares to trigger the recording.

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