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Can UI12 Output to DAW on PC/Laptop?

Happy New Year! I would like to output UI12 audio to my laptop for the purpose of live-streaming. Is the UI12 capable of sending audio output to my laptop (MSI GF63 Thin 10SCXR Laptop, Core i5, NVIDIA GEFORCE GTX)? If so, how?

RJ Hudson
Wicked Awesome Studio



    Use an external audio interface what has analog line inputs for your laptop.
    Connect analog cables from Ui12 to that audio interface.

  • jackosmith094jackosmith094 Posts: 2
    edited February 20

    Yes, the Soundcraft Ui12 digital mixer can output audio to a DAW on a PC or laptop, but it does not have a built-in USB multitrack audio interface like some other digital mixers. Instead, you can connect the Ui12 to your DAW using its stereo USB playback codice fiscale feature, which allows limited two-channel audio transfer.

    > @jackosmith094 said:
    > can connect the Ui12 to your DAW using its stereo USB playback codice fiscale feature, which allows limited two-channel audio transfer.

    I don’t think that ui12 has the usb audio interface.
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