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Faders don't move down

Hi all! I'm trying to get started with a UI 16, but right off the bat I encountered a problem I just can't figure out: faders move up fine, bit every time I try to pull a fader down, the screen refreshes and I end up on the start screen, where I can choose my device. This happens regardless of how fast or slow I pull or how long I stay on the Fader before I pull. I've searched the settings for pull-to-refresh in order to disable it, but no luck there. How do I resolve this?



    Have you turned off the Hardware acceleration? ( It's recommended ).
    That is in the setting section of your web browser.

  • wilfwilf Posts: 3

    @TAICHEE Thanks for your reply. I can't turn off the hardware acceleration, since there is no option in the browser settings for it. The option exists when I use chrome or firefox on my notebook, but not on the tablet (which is what I intend to use with the UI 16). Have no issues moving the faders up and down with the touchpad of the notebook either.


    I don't know about Android at all, sorry.
    But can you use other web browsers ?

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