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Ui24r: can I assign the DigiTech effects to a different CHANNEL (not input)

I want to use Digitech effects on channels 8 and 9, where I usually put the bass and the lead guitar. So, I patched inputs 3-9 in channels 1-7 and patched input 1 on channel 8 and input 2 on channel 9. But I still have the Digitech effects on channels 1 and 2. So, my question is: are the Digitech effects fixed on INPUTS 1 and 2 or on CHANNELS 1 and 2?
Yes, I know, I'm old fashioned and use CH1 for BD, CH2 for SD, and so on.
Thanks in advance,
Luana from Argentina



    It's fixed on CH1 and 2 not related to the input patching.

  • Thanks! So I arranged the channels as I like in a View. But every time I press Esc., it goes back to standard view. I'll open a new thread asking if I can have View 1 as default.

    Thanks again, Taichee

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