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Ui24R: Is there any way to assign View 1 as default?

I created a view with the channel layout that I like. But thing is, every time I press Esc., it goes back to the standard (default) view. Is there any way to set View 1 as the default, or to avoid going back to the standard view when I press Esc?

Thanks in advance!



    No way to set any view group as the default.
    You can use Backspace (WIN) or Delete (MAC) keys to be back to previous last window instead of the ESC key when you go only one another window although it's not realistic solution.

  • OK. Thank you! Backspace it is, then.


    As an optional idea, you can use Mixing-Station.app to control the mixer. This app allows you to have custom layers and it always back at home. Unfortunately it doesn't support all functions of Ui24R and Digitech is out of support, so you have to open Soundcraft original GUI for controlling those digitech settings. It doesn't have keyboard shortcut natively. MIDI control is supported then you can hit home key from MIDI.

    Or original interface allows you to open several windows and align them. You make the opportunity to switch windows fewer.

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