Connecting Si and Vi mixing consoles to Compact stage box
How can I connect Si and Vi mixing consoles to Compact stage box at the same time?
There is Cat 5 Dual port MADI (A520.005000SP) for Si and ViO/D21 Cat5 MADI (RS2409SP) for Vi consoles. But there is only one place for option card.
After connecting the mini stage box to the si impact what would be your main outs on the impact it is 15 and 16, but on the mini stage box it only has up to 12 outs and I could not get any sound from 11 & 12. What can I do to get the stage box to work
Hi, I have a 32in and 16out Compact stagebox, and I should do a job where I need to have 48 in ...
can I connect another stegebox to my "compact" via madi?