Notepad 12FX - Driver Problem After Successful Install, Windows 10
Realise I'm not alone having driver issues, but can't find anyone with this exact problem.
I have been able to successfully install the drivers and Control Panel for my Notepad 12FX. Everything works fine at first, but when I reboot, it seems that Windows 10 picks up on the fact that the drivers are unsigned and disables the mixer. Within Device Manager, I get a Code 52 error (Windows cannot verify the digital signature etc....).
Has anyone had this problem before? Can anyone suggest a workaround, please?
Thanks in advance.
I'm having the same problems. The program has been working on my desktop for over a year, but when I tried installing on my laptop, it doesn't recognise the device after restarting. It's very frustrating. Hve you had any luck fixing the problem?
I haven't. And I've reached out to Harman and they don't appear to care. My advice would be to dump Soundcraft and move on.
Any chance you're EVER going to address this? I currently have a completely useless mixer taking up space on my desk.
Got the same problem. support is not helpful. No driver updates...maybe that's why this unit is so cheap. I'm now sorry I bought it. won't do it again.
Same here. Harman sucks.
[update] i finally caved in and permanently disabled driver signature enforcement. works great now! make sure to run soundcraftUSBDfu.exe ('fu' also = firmware update) in the driver package to stop it from going to sleep after every 900ms(!) of inactivity
I did get fast help from Harman support, issue solved by following instructions:
Sometimes you need to disable Driver Signature Enforcement in windows 10 for our driver to install. Here is a link that explains how to do so.
The Mixer is great and very cool and works great and every time with my desktop, but as with above, it installs on the laptop but does not recognise the mixer!
I can't use any of the options shown in the help link
I got the message:
PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> bcdedit.exe /set nointegritychecks on
An error has occurred setting the element data.
The value is protected by Secure Boot policy and cannot be modified or deleted.
PS C:\WINDOWS\system32>
please your help, i can't use my notepad12fx for this reason
Thanks in advance
The new firmware is out now, and includes driver signing. Should fix the issues people are having.
Don't know if this is the same bug, but I had a problem on two separate laptops where the mixer was not recognized by Windows.
The fix for me was to:
-Go to Sounds > Playback > Right click the Soundcraft device and enter properties > Advanced > **Un-tick the box that says 'Allow applications to take exclusive control of this device' ** (this wil un-tick both boxes)
-Enter device manager and uninstall any driver that is related to Soundcraft (the amount of Soundcraft drivers varied, I believe, between the laptops for some reason).
This will prompt you to restart the computer, but do this only after you have uninstalled all the related drivers, and then manually restart Windows while the mixer is unplugged (again don't know if this is necessary at all, but I did it both times).
-Install the 'Notepad Firmware and Control Panel'
-Plug in the mixer again, and it will hopefully work correctly now!