UI 16 gain fader issue
I have a ui16 with the current firmware update. Im having issues with the gain fader not responding on my iphone. I have tried power cycling the unit and i double checked that i have the most current firmware.
Im using an iphone 11 with is also up to date.
Any thoughts on this? I cant seem to find anything online.
I have thew same Problem on an iPhone and on an Android Phone. Did you fix it ?
Hi! same problem here on Android, have you fixed guys?
> I solved this problem by using an external router. The onboard wifi is a joke. Thanks to the Sweetwater team for guidance.
I wasn't using the onboard wifi
I have the same problem. Cant use the gain faders on my android phone. On other phones it doesnt work. It does work on tablet and PC.
Does anyone know how to get this fixed? It is unusable for me in live situations...
So the gain fader is the only thing that doesn't respond, or are there also problems with the channel faders or other controls? Are all of the gain faders set the same? If so, all the way down or somewhere else?
This is a problem specific to the gain fade on the "small screen" selection. If I load the large on my android phone, it works (but really hard to use that small). And if you load small screen on an iPad, it doesn't work. It is clearly a built in bug. Please fix.
Hello everybody,
This problem seems to have existed for some time. We also have problems with this issue. The workarounds are certainly helpful here. But is there any information that the manufacturer intends to remedy the situation with a correction?
Greetings Torsten