hissssss noise on soundcraft notepad 12 fx
i have bought a new soundcraft notepad 12 fx . when i increase the gain above half it makes a hissssss kind of sound . is it normal ? when i connect it through usb the volume that gets recorded is very less . i have to normalize it due to which that hissssss noise increases a lot . i am using a dynamic mic shure sv 200 .
I have the exact same problem. On the facebook group "Soundcraft NOTEPAD 5 8FX 12FX Users Support Group" there are many who have the same issue. I have no idea why this happens :S I regret buying this mixer
I have this same issue on my notepad 8fx. Very irritating.
i had this problem until i turned all unused GAIN knobs (red) and all unused LEVEL knobs (also red) to zero, and the hiss went away.
my definition of "unused" is: no mic or instrument cables plugged into lines you're not using (i.e. the 48V phantom lines, the 5/6 lines, the 7/8 lines across the top, etc). all unused inputs get their corresponding LEVEL and GAIN knobs dialed to zero. the TRIM knobs you can leave alone, i think.
the red LEVEL knobs 9/10 and 11/12/FX RTN i was able to leave at any level, with no hiss.
it was as if the board was too interested in listening to the world. i'm so quick to blame hardware and software and radio interference that i forget to look across the board where my all my lesser-used dials are scattered.
my apologies if this trick doesn't solve things for you.