RMS and iPad App
I have a client that is running RMS 3.3.3 and are slowly changing out their old MVP-8400i's for iPads. The problem that we are running into is that RMS cannot track the battery life of the iPad and it is always showing OFFLINE. Any thoughts as to why?
Thanks in advance.
Thanks in advance.
Due to the way iOS background processes work, there is never going to be a "seamless" way to manage iPads through RMS. There will always be a chance that the TPControl app will be moved far enough to the background that iOS drops it's processes out of RAM. There's also the issue of the iPad going to sleep and shutting of data services (i.e. WiFi). You, the user, nor AMX have any control over how it works.
While I'm usually game for creative ideas and work-arounds, trying to promise that level of functionality is doing yourself a huge disservice.
You may want to check and see if this sends you the panel sleep string when this happens. If that is the case, rather than having a online|offline device state you could monitor these with an online|offline|sleep state. Basically if the device drops offline without being asleep that gives you an indication that there's likely some connectivity issues or a dead battery at which point you probably want to show an alert in RMS. If it drops into a sleep state first simply ignore the offline event.
With iOS 6 and Guided Access mode, you can lock the OS into a single app. The app will even relaunch on reboot or crash. If you're running an MDM server, and put the devices into supervised mode, this can also be remotely managed.
This mode exists on iOS 7 (current) as well, and offers a lot of what we've missed on iThings... I didn't know this mode was there.
With TPC set into this Guided Access mode, the panel times out to a barely-lit mode instead of locking. At a touch, it brightens and stays connected the whole time. This is ideal, although it eventually times out to dark and offline.. still playing with it to determine the range of times. Looks like 15 minutes or so without a touch, it fully darkens and sleeps. But then, a touch on the POWER button brings it back alive, although disconnected at first, then connects in seconds. It does not lock, no slide required...
This rocks by comparison to the normal operation if you want to dedicate a iThing for control.
If you go into settings and disable auto-lock, I believe the iPad should stop going to sleep.
Indeed. But that's a short road to a dead battery, not to mention the annoyance of a panel that won't darken. Ideal would be separate lock/sleep rules for in and out of the charger. But no, Apple says no. Maybe in iOS 8?