Ademco Vista Module Integration
I have to do my first integration with an Ademco Alarm Panel using the Ademco AMX Duet Module v1.0.8. After checking out the AMX sample code provided with the module v1.0.8, I noticed that there is no Function to process the Zone Status. Is it automatically updated on the cPOINT_STATUS[250] variable array of the UI or we need to query for it? In case we need to have a string parsing function for the zone feedback, is it possible for anybody to e-mail me back your implementation (Function). Thank you in advance for your time and attention.
Are you providing Zone Status? Is it automatically updated by the module (cPOINT_STATUS[250] variable Array) so we don't have to poll? Did you implemented a Zone parse Function?
Thanks for replying to my tread. One more question: Which Ademco Module version are you using? Duet? v1.0.8?
Thanks again,
No, the last I used this was the most recent non-Duet version at the time ... I don't think the Duet one was out back then (was about 3 years ago).
I may be crossing my wires a bit on my memory, but I think this was one of the problems with the Vista panel in the first place. The thing does not volunteer feedback. And polling was a problem. I also seem to remember a problem with the fact that the panel will accept a simple password but exteranl control systems required the user ID prepended on the security code. This was a problem in our installations where multiple secucrity user/codes were required. The client had to remember the two ways of arming/disarming depending upon which thing they were in front. Not good in an emergecy.
We were pretty happy (despite its foibles) with the Destiny 6100 and were quite suprised when they ditched it for the Vista. We now use a completely differet company alogether.
This applies to version 1 through version 3 of the BP panels (there is a new 128BPe and 250BPe version that implements the enhanced protocol that was just released and should be connected like an FBP).
Connecting the 4100SM:
Brown wire from J8 connector goes to #6 on the 4100SM
Zone 9 (connector 23) on the security panel goes to #3 on the 4100SM
#7 and #8 on the 4100SM get power from the security panel.
These are the programming fields and values that need to be set:
Set Zone #9 to type 00. (This might not be absolutely required, but in my 5 hours of troubleshooting with Honeywell ... most of it on hold... this was one thing they wanted done)
*05 - 1
*14 - 1
1*70 - 11111
1*69 - 0
1*71 - 1
1*72 - 0
1*73 - 0
2*30 - 0
That should have the security panel ready to talk to the AMX processor. Now comes the AMX side. I am using version 1.0.10 of the duet module. To communicate with the BP panels, you HAVE to set the PROPERTY-Extended_Protocol,false and then REINIT. If you do not do this, the module will NOT initialize. If you monitor communications, you will see data flying back and forth between the processor and the panel, but you will not get updates until the module initializes and it will not send out the correct initialization string until you set the property correctly.
I hope this helps out someone else integrating these panels.
First of all, thank you so much for your last post above - definitely extremely valuable especially it's my first time with an Ademco 128BP.
Using the module v 1.0.10 I applied everything you mentioned but I still have some issues.
Basically I can Arm and Disarm, but I'm not getting most of the valuable feedback:
- channels 51 and 52 (online and initialized) stay at 0 - even though the alarm is responding to arm or disarm.
- ?SECSTATE and ?SECSTATUS keep returning INVALID...
- I am not getting any automatic feedback mentioned in the doc of the module
Did you experience any of this or is all working for your system?
This is all working for me. Have the security people verify that the security panel settings are like I listed. Also, make sure you are NOT using a pre-made cable. Use a cable with ONLY pins 2,3 and 5 connected to the AMX side. If you are still having problems, see if the security people will tell you what version of firmware the security panel is running.
Well, another one solved by one of the valuable members of this forum.
[size=+1]Thank you Jeff!![/size]
I had everything else setup correctly.
The problem was the serial cable - I used the one provided by Ademco... which obviously does not work with the RS232 (probably only for the Printer option).
So the answer is confirmed: for the serial cable, only use pins 2,3,5 to the NI port.
Add this to the checklist...
Note: and yes, I meant channels 251 and 252. Thanks for correcting this.