== TRUE trap

Occasionally you may have a line like if(sTP_Session[GET_LAST(arrTP)].r4 == false){ and you decide to reverse your logic and say if(sTP_Session[GET_LAST(arrTP)].r4 == true){.
In NetLinx, comparing something to TRUE does not check for inequality to 0 (FALSE). Comparing something to TRUE is simply a comparison to the number 1. TRUE is a NetLinx constant for 1. If you compare to TRUE you had better be sure that the data is a 1 or 0, if some other number sneaks in there you will get an unexpected result since values like 2, 3, 99 evaluate to TRUE in other languages.
In the example above better would have been:
if(sTP_Session[GET_LAST(arrTP)].r4 != false){
or just
In NetLinx, comparing something to TRUE does not check for inequality to 0 (FALSE). Comparing something to TRUE is simply a comparison to the number 1. TRUE is a NetLinx constant for 1. If you compare to TRUE you had better be sure that the data is a 1 or 0, if some other number sneaks in there you will get an unexpected result since values like 2, 3, 99 evaluate to TRUE in other languages.
In the example above better would have been:
if(sTP_Session[GET_LAST(arrTP)].r4 != false){
or just
That isn't a 'trap'.
From the help files:
This keyword is a CHAR constant contains the value 1.
While NetLinx does not support a BOOLEAN data type, an non-zero value is consider true for conditional expressions.
What is stupid is writing code like this:
when it should be written:
I hate seeing this as well:
when it should be written:
Your first example is indeed silly, but your second one... keep in mind "return something" will return whatever something is, but the block will return either a 0 or 1 (false or true). It depends on how the value returned is being treated whether or not this is appropriate. Maybe RETURN !(something == FALSE) would be more accurate (if less human-readable).
Perhaps. I never use true and false so I haven't encountered the problem. I don't think there is a standard per-se. In C (pre-C99) for instance, true and false are not defined.
It's the same thing, so RETURN !(something == FALSE) is just redundant and difficult to read. Can you write some code where 'return something' doesn't work but 'RETURN !(something == FALSE)' does?
What is it that you want this code to do?
Is not the same as this:
That they are different is pretty obvious and if you want the behavior in the first, it's not stupid to prefer it to the second.
Likewise the second code example.
is not the same as
Seems to me that if you avoid the constants TRUE and FALSE that you avoid the trap.
I think so.
If I understand correctly, the first will return 99 and the second will return 1. Which one "works" depends on the behavior desired. It's possible that both "work", but not necessary.
They are the same if n is a boolean which is what we were talking about (true, false). If n is some integer that can have many values that you need to test against, that is a different thing altogether.
That is dangerous code in my opinion since it is ambiguous. It looks like you are just testing for a boolean but you really testing an integer value.
I understand your reasoning but it makes no sense to me. If you are returning a boolean that is true, then returning either 1 or 99 will work. If you are returning an integer, then you would return 'something' to get the value of it. I can't foresee any situation when I would want to return !(something == 0).
You can return 'something' as a boolean and also get its value which I do often enough, but its still a boolean. Writing ambiguous code that confuses a boolean with an integer will create some hard to find bugs as the OP has discovered.
But there is no boolean in Netlinx and that's the source of the "trap" which this thread is about. TRUE = 1 and FALSE = 0/ If you think that an integer value has to be either TRUE or FALSE, you're wrong.
I see no reason why testing an integer value is dangerous code. What's dangerous is thinking that an integer value must be either 0 or 1.
I don't follow. Can an integer in Netlinx be neither true nor false? I haven't tested it, but I can't think of any integer that wouldn't print something using this code:
In Netlinx, at least according to the help file, zero is considered a false conditional expression, and a non-zero value is considered true for conditional expressions.
What integer are you referring to that isn't either true or false? I am pretty sure that 0 and !0 pretty much cover all the integers unless there is some bug in the compiler that can be fooled with +0 or some other trick.
Testing an integer isn't dangerous code, but ambiguous code is always potentially dangerous and usually easily avoided. I don't think anyone is claiming that an integer must be either 0 or1, that would be rather silly.
I think we went down the !0 trail a couple months back.
Consider the following:
what value do you suppose ii turns out to be? Clearly nn is not zero, but it's not !0 either.
Well, if you claim that an integer must be either 0 or !0, you are claiming that it must be either 0 or 1. If you are claiming that it must be equal to either true or false, you are also claiming it must be 0 or 1 as true is a constant equal to 1 and false is a constant equal to 0.
I've never considered something like
to be a test of whether or not aNumber is either true or false. I've always considered it to be short hand for
which is different from
which is the same as
I think this horse is dead and I'm getting off.
I like cheese.....
I wouldn't write code that way. According to the docs ii should be true.
I don't get what your driving at here. I am making no claim beyond what the docs say, and according to the docs, any non zero number is considered true. Are you saying its a typo?
Who's on first,
What's on second,
I Don't Know is on third...
I think the trap mentioned by mpullin initially is that the keyword/constant "TRUE" = 1, but any non-zero value will evaluate as true in a comparator, so....
If nValue = 99 and you run the following statements, Example 1 will evaluate as false, Example 2 will evaluate as true:
Example 1:
Example 2:
The trap is, don't forget that TRUE has a literal value of 1, not any non-zero number.
I guess I don't see that as a trap. True has to be defined as some value since there are no macros in Netlinx, so 1 makes as much sense as anything. When you write you are essentially asking if (something == 1) since that is how true is defined. My point was that if you didn't write code in that redundant way these problems don't occur. The OP was maintaining that you had to write to get around a trap, when in fact that is actually the correct syntax and that is redundant and bug-prone.
Man - Is this the right room for an argument?
Mr Vibrating - I've told you once.
Man - No you haven't.
Mr Vibrating - Yes I have.
Man - When?
Mr Vibrating - Just now!
Man - No you didn't.
Mr Vibrating - Yes I did!
Man - Didn't.
Mr Vibrating - Did.
Man - Didn't.
Mr Vibrating - I'm telling you I did!
Man - You did not!
Mr Vibrating - I'm sorry, is this a five minute argument, or the full half hour?
Man Oh ... Just a five-minute one.
Look, strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government.
case 0://do this
case 1://do that