How to delete uploaded projects from NI 3000
in AMX Hardware
I am new to AMX . I want to know how to delete the uploaded projects from NI 3000 or any other Netlinx master ? How to re-flash or reset the Netlinx to a fresh operating state . Please help .
according to the Netlinx Controllers WebConsole Programming manual there is the RESET FACTORY telnet command:
Resets the Master to factory default state including removal of all security
settings, removal of all user files, resetting to DHCP, and loading an
empty NetLinx program. The Master will be effectively in an out-of-box
Thanks , when i telnet to netlinx master & type the RESET FACTORY command then it returns with unknow command error. Clean Disk is working but i want to factory reset it . Inside Netlinx studio When i try to change the System number from 1 to 0 then it does not change the system number & says i dont have proper permissions. If i try to change the system number from 1 to 2 then it changes with out any issues.
At the moment i only have IP connectivity , no physical connection access to NI 3000 as i just ordered a Db9 female to female crossover cable , hope fully it will work.
Hi thanks for the reply , i will try all the commands mentioned by you guys. Will leave feedback .
Hi Chris , I tried the command clean disk -f , it has cleared every thing , exactly what i wanted but now the web control is not working , when i put the ip address in the browser then it displays Access Error: Site or Page Not Found
Cannot open URL.
How to re load the web console ?
I don't believe that you can set the system number to 0. Each system appears as system number 0 to a program which is running on it, but I think that is just a sneaky little trick which AMX provides -- I don't think the master actually is communicated with as master #0.
Zero is NOT a valid system number . . . and it never was.
As far as what it reports to the console, CLEAN DISK ALL is just CLEAN DISK. I noticed that any word after CLEAN DISK is ignored. "CLEAN DISK WATSON", is still a regular CLEAN DISK. The "-f" parameter is the only other one mentioned by AMX (TN989).
Actually, ciistech saw an actual bug I've experienced, and just duplicated on 2 different processors. Right after a clean disk and before you reboot, the web control will fail to load. After a reboot, it works just fine.
@ Chris , I re flashed the Master & Device firmware & now the web server is working okay . Please tell me why reset factory command is not working via telnet ? Also when i ask for help then clean disk -f does not show up in the telnet commands . Are there any hidden commands or certain commands only work via serial programming port for security reasons.?
@ Harold as i said i am new to AMX & not know much at this stage , now as you & other guys have explained that 0 is not a valid system number & its only there for programming purpose , i understand the concept of it.
As you can connect with serial then use the 'set ip' command to give it a static ip address (don't forget to 'reboot') then try the web interface on the new IP address.
Try connecting with telnet to see if it is just the web browser that is disabled.
The http port may not be default (set http port) so make sure it is 80.
It could be security so try 'setup security' and make sure http is allowed.
It could also be the security profile so try 'set security profile' then set to 0 (can only do this in terminal, not telnet).
If security profile is not 0 then the web port is https port 443 by default and the password is different to the unsecure default password.
I cannot log into ni-3000, I tried adminstrator/password, and Nelinkx/password and to no avail. Is there a way to wipe everything out to factory default? On Netlinx there is an option but I get error I need permissions.
if you need a password for a serial connection and you don't know it you are screwed, there is no back door so the unit must be sent to AMX to have a chip replaced on the motherboard.