popup allways on top?
is there a way to keep a popup allways on top over any later loaded popup?
Thanks in advance!
is there a way to keep a popup allways on top over any later loaded popup?
Thanks in advance!
Change this value to Yes
I do that too.
And if needed you can set a button to be "Above popups" so the user still has access to it. Although I'd say there's most likely a better solution if you find yourself considering that option.
Modal is not a solution for me since i need to set a popup over other popups on the screen, but all of them are usefull and must not be disabled.
Maybe setting the buttons of the popup to be allways over all popups could be a solution, but i couldn´t find where is that option. Any help?
Thank you angain!
Hmmm.. What exactly are you trying to accomplish. Perhaps we might suggests a better way to achieve it.
i´ve got two popups, one big (virtual keyboard occupying full horizontal screen) and one smaller (virtual mouse), so i need that if a user opens the mouse and then the one of the keyboard, the popup of the mouse must be allways over the popup of the keyboard.
If i use the "Modal" option, once the popup of the mouse is open, the popup of the keyboard would turn disabled, and that is not acceptable.
Thanks again for all the help!!
Why don't you just send the @PPN-Mouse command at every button press?
Use an underscore in the pop-up name to force it to always be on top. So if you named you mouse pop-up "_Mouse" and the Keyboard just "Keyboard", the _Mouse pop-up will always be on top no matter what order they are opened.
Check out the TPDesign Operation Reference guide under the section "Naming Popup Pages".
Sure, read the manual. That's cheating.