copy icons form one project to another
I need to copy the "Resource Manager" Icons from one TP-Design projecto to another but couldn´t find how...
Any help?
Thanks in advance!
I need to copy the "Resource Manager" Icons from one TP-Design projecto to another but couldn´t find how...
Any help?
Thanks in advance!
Select the images you wish to copy.
Export the images.
Import the images into the new project.
The same goes for pallettes, it sucks to copy one panel to another then have to reconfigure the colour of every button because of the pallette.
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I dunno... I think they could have implimented this concept a lot better myself. Keeping legacy features/functionality is one thing. Allowing them to completely cripple the new technology is another. Perhaps something like a wizard to help import the old format and allow you to make some intelligent choices on what to do about possible conflicts is pretty standard fare in most development environments under 20 years old.
Off hand I can think of several biggies.
1-"oh, I see your panel uses some fonts I don't have... Would you like to make another font selection?". Instead of " you don't have the fonts this project needs. Sucks to be you. I'm going to default it for you. Good luck finding all the ones I changed!"
2 "I see you're copying in some buttons/graphics/icons/whatever but there are some conflicts. Here's a grid which allows you to resolve the conflicts. Let me know when you're done."
Or here's one that drives me insane...
Just allow me to copy/paste multiple pages/popups.
4- "the graphics you're copying we're in icon slots X,Y and Z. Do you wish to keep them there?"
You CAN export/import palettes.
Panel -> Edit Palettes, then there are buttons for Import/Export and make active.
I don't know how old your version of TP4 is, but it has been automatically installing missing fonts for quite a while now when you open a touch panel file.
They only pain in the butt about the process now is MS requiring you to click OK to allow the fonts be installed by the program for EVERY font. Yeah, that was a pain when there were 15-20 fonts that had to be installed when I opened the Unity touch panel file.
Yes, but if you export/import them you lose the naming of the individual indices (TP4 bug).
Better to open the two panels at the same time and copy the palettes from one to the other.
I understand the legacy nature of icons slots. That's why I personally stopped using them: they were an awkward G3 relic I could do without.
Problem is, not everyone got the memo. How long has G4 been out? I have about gone insane when importing a panel from a third party provider that had icon slots that collided with yet another third party ... it really, really gets ugly. And if the two have slot operations hard coded, you are basically screwed, and have to re-write someone else's code. I've even had collisions just importing pages from a single manufacturer ... I guess because we have to do them one page at a time, only the first gets the desired slots, and the rest just fill it in wherever.
Honestly, I'd have felt better if they just killed the icon support right from the start with G4. It would have caused some initial grumbling, but it would all be water under the bridge at this point.