Studio 2.7 Patch is up
There is an updated NS 2.7 on the WebUpdate client. The search box issues are fixed, and as near as I can tell, the multiple workspace ones as well ... but I don't regularly use that, so I don't know for sure what to look for there.
Looks good. Search works again, doubleclick to a workspace will start a new Studio instance, and doubleclick on a axs will open the file in the Studio instance which was lauched latest.
It's Studio2 v2.7.0 Build 226 (the buggy one was build 210).
Pretty sure that it will also be online on the website soon.
So, is this a 1) install origianl 2.7, then 2) install patch or just a new installer?
As of right now you have to install the orignial 2.7 the install the patch
If you have Workscape 1 open and you do a find/replace, works fine.
Open a 2nd Workscape, enter a NEW word for find/replace and NS thinks you are still looking for the previous word from the 1st workscape?????
~Insert funny trombone sound here~
whaaamp whaaamp whaaaaaaaa...
Just ran into that myself.. Look's like it's not just different workspaces. Find/Replace always looks for the last thing you did a FIND for. So you have to FIND the word, and then FIND/REPLACE.
Fortunately, if you do a FIND for 'VARIABLE' and then do a find/replace for 'APPLE' - 'ORANGE' it will not find anything when you hit REPLACE ALL. It will keep finding 'VARIABLE' and let you replace it with 'ORANGE' one by one though.
Kevin D.
1. Now the dialog window has a "help" button on it. It used to be that the lowest button on the window right was "Close". Now, there is a help button there. Today I unintentionally brought up a help window about 50 times. This is, to me, very frustrating.
2. It used to be that when you hit <cntrl>F the window would show up with the "Find What" dialog automatically selected and you could start typing in the search string right away. This is now snafu and if you start typing without clicking the "Find What" dialog box first, unintended consequences ensue.
After using a software suite such as Netlinx Studio for a while, you become accustomed to how it works. Certain actions become second nature. When I want to search for a string, I am accustomed to hitting <cntrl>F, typing in the string, hitting a <CR> and having the software find the string. The user doesn't even consciously think about this sequence of actions. It's like learning how to type or play the piano or guitar. The actions become coded down their in the lizard area of the brain. Changing how the dialog works is like re--arranging the keys on your keyboard, mixing up all the black and white keys on a piano, or tuning a guitar in a manner that the player is not familiar with.
Please, when the engineers/developers go back into studio to fix the gross and disgusting situation with find/replace, can they remove that stupid, worthless help button and return the behavior of the search dialog to that which existed prior to all this fumbling about?
I'll stick with 2.6 for now.
If you need help use the top menu.
JJ: out-sourced to Indian, ha-ha, who would ever do a thing like that?
It reaks of offshore code, and I have a feeling that whoever is coding it doesn't know how to use the software, and that is why the most obvious bugs are not found. I have found this to be not that unusual in the industry where the developers have never actually used the program before or don't know how.
It is likely written offshore, then shipped here, put up on the website for users to try out, and then all issues are sent back for subsequent fixes. This may not be true, but that is what it seems like to me and it seems more and more companies are doing this these days. It has come back to bite them over and over again, so maybe they will figure out that it isn't economically feasible to do it this way, no matter how cheap the programmers are.
A friend of mine who is a Java developer living in Germany was working on train transportation software when all of a sudden halfway through the government decides to ship the work to Hungary where the developers make far less money. A year later he gets a call that the project is stalled, overbudget and long passed due and they are now looking for the original developers to come back on the project and finish it off. I can't include what his response was here, but let's say he raised a particular finger to express his feelings. It will now likely cost German taxpayers far more, and they will get an inferior product than had they just continued with the way things were going.
Here is the link I was looking for
I that if the original writers are reading this, or if this is able to get back to the original developers, that they shouldn't take this personally. I have nothing against the developers on a personal level, I just hope they could get the code straightened out, and fixed. I have an idea: instead of moving forward with what they've already developed, how about they step back a few steps to 2.6 and develop from that code base? I really think that if this continues (buggy releases after buggy releases) it's time for AMX to bite the bullet and go with an Eclipse version.
I've been calling 2.7 '2.8 beta' around the office.
I can't wait for Christmas NOW.
From the new 5200 wall-dock instructions:
I'm pretty sure if I cut smaller then the dimensions it is not going to fit.
Kevin D.
Kevin D.
People that use the software 16to22 hours a day (must sleep a little) are wasting time and money and the baby needs new shoes!
Can't you just fix the FIND/REPLACING and post it?
I'm sure I can dig them up if need be but since they're shipping you might as well wait.
F' here they are anyway!
Vertical cutout = 5.750” +.125”, -0”
Horizontal cutout = 8.375” +.125”, -0”
Kevin D.
Darn those AMX scoundrels! First NS 2.7, and now this? Deliberately telling people to cut holes in walls the incorrect size? They are evil...
BTW - I'm still waiting for my beta invitation.
......still the only reasonably viable solutions?
Just glad that AMX didn't have a hand in natural selection, I'd NOT look good as a Neanderthal.
Note:AMX personnel have been conspicuously absent from this thread for a while..... Very Telling.
--The Inventor of Skepticism