Netlinx masters without duet module
in AMX Hardware
Hi there,
Is there somebody had experience that all rs232 ports is not working meaning its throwing a string but it does not receive it. This is already a project since 2004 and suddenly client called the system is not working. I did download the program again but after that i could not connect to the master.
thanks for your help..
Is there somebody had experience that all rs232 ports is not working meaning its throwing a string but it does not receive it. This is already a project since 2004 and suddenly client called the system is not working. I did download the program again but after that i could not connect to the master.
thanks for your help..
Has anything changed? For example, did you upload any new code?
You might try flipping the progam toggle switch, thus disabling the program from running, and see if you can connect to the master. If you are able to do so, then something about the program is fouling the system up.
I did toggling the switch but still can't connect to the master. I have found out that input LED is on and Status LED is on which it tells that On board master is booting, In fact the master were on for almost 10 minutes but nothing happens.
The firmware and program is only loaded one time after a reboot. Maybe the was some kind of power fail before.
Is there any other means to fix it on site, before calling TS. I have encounter this problem for almost 3 times now.