Upgrading TPD
I am still using TPD 2.9.0 because it was the most stable TPD I have used so far but I have to design a template for the 435 touch panel which will force me to use a later version unless there is a way to do it with 2.9.0. I don't like the new interface of 2.11 and you can't change it from that gradient gray to a standard look (who thought using gradients on a toolbar was a great idea???). Does the latest version still have that unchangeable look and feel (Office 2003) and is it stable? 2.9.0 never crashes, and its bugs are very minor so I don't want to switch to 2.11 if it means an unstable installation, and I never really saw the huge benefit to 2.11. If I can design a 435 on 2.9.0 that might be the best situation all round.
Your opinions are appreciated.
Your opinions are appreciated.
Very stable with my usage.
Sure enough, after having no program crashes for months, as soon as I upgrade TPD and NS, both are randomly crashing quite often. Hard to believe these issues are still happening this long into the evolution of these programs. This isn't a beta anymore. Disappointing...
There must be something particular to your setup ... I haven't had any crashes at all since the last release.
I'm on the same TPD4 version and also Win7 since October 09. I can't recall even one crash, and I use it every day.
Interesting I will have to look into this. I am running XP SP3 on a corporate image and both NS and TPD have been crashing like crazy, usually right before a transfer is done.