How to test the program port & other serial , IR & I/O ports on NI 3000
in AMX Hardware
Hi Guys i am new to AMX .please tell me how to test the program port on NI 3000 , i have a NI 3000 & i cant access it via program port . I have access via IP & i can use almost all telnet commands. Basically i want to test if all the ports are working okay but dont know how to do it. To access the NI 3000 via program port i have done the following.
DIP switch pins 6 , 7 , 8 are up 1-5 are down so default settings 38400 , 8 , N , 1 , N . I have appiled same settings to my built in serial port on my dell computer on com 1. I have used a db9 crossover cable with pin 2-3 & 3-2 crossed. I am running out of options . If the ports are faulty then i want to send it back to seller. Please help me & tell me how to test the ports.
DIP switch pins 6 , 7 , 8 are up 1-5 are down so default settings 38400 , 8 , N , 1 , N . I have appiled same settings to my built in serial port on my dell computer on com 1. I have used a db9 crossover cable with pin 2-3 & 3-2 crossed. I am running out of options . If the ports are faulty then i want to send it back to seller. Please help me & tell me how to test the ports.
Hi Dave , I rebooted the NI 3000 every time i changed the DIP switch settings , i tried baud rate of 38400 , 115200 & 9600 , i changed the settings on my Dell serial port at the same time. The cable is brand new ordered online from I have another cable & tested with it as well. I know my serial port is working okay as i have loads of Cisco routers & switches & also tested with LG TV directly using Hyper terminal so if the cable is the right type then my computer serial port & cables are working okay.
I can connect with IP no issues at all , i just want to check my serial ports including the program port . What is WE Interface ? I am just thinking if every thing is right then it could be the capicitor issue mentioned in other threads ? Please help & direct me in the right direction. AMX head office is not very helpful in UK.
Rather than trying to use hyperterminal or some other terminal software to connect to the program port, it's probably better to just try to run Studio through the program port. Configure the port and Netlinx Studio to match and try to connect with a known good "null modem" cable and if it doesn't work, there's something wrong.
@ Dave , i have just made & soldered a cable with pins 2-3 crossed & 5 straight & no go . The WEB server installed on this NI 3000 is the old version & does not give the option to disable the ports via web interface. I can provide snap shots if necessary .
@ Harrold , I am using NS to connect to the NI 3000 via program port . I mentioned hyper terminal as a 2nd tool i have used to connect . I really want to dig down on this one. There must be a way in AMX world to test the program port & serial ports if you have IP connectivity.
Thank you Guys !
Use Netlinx Studio 'Control a device' on port 5001:1:1 (serial port 1) and send the string "'?',$0D,$0A". You should see all the possible terminal commands in the diagnostics window.
Hi Champ , will try that & let you know. Thanks !
Then the program port is good.
Let me say this again: If you can connect to the master and communicate with it via Netlinx Studio through the program port, then the program port is good. If you are trying some other RS232 tool other than Netlinx Studio and you are having difficulty, then it is because you are not sending strings to the master that it likes.
I can't connect to master via Netlinx Studio through the program port , I can connect to master via Netlinx studio through IP . Now please tell me what to do to test the program port , i am going to try Chris recommendation. Thanks!
They're trying to tell you that there's not some command or whatever to check the program port. If you have a KNOWN (in other words, the same exact cable works with some other device plugged into the same comm port on your computer or better yet, the same exact cable works with another NI master...) and if you have the correct baud rate settings on your computer (one that matches the baud settings on the NI) then you have done all you can to check the port. It's broke.
When I run into this I take a known working cable and use Netlinx Diagnostics I to try and connect. I run through every baud rate available even ones that make no sense. Once I've exhausted these steps, the master is going in for work.
Hope that helps.
I think that's what I'm trying to say -- if Studio will connect, it's good; if not, it's bad.
If I understand correctly, the master in question may not have current firmware. The first thing I would do would be to load current firmware (he has a working IP connection). I guess he doesn't want to do that because he may want to return it. Probably need to sort out conditions of rejection etc with the seller. Also, it seems to me that the poster may be somewhat inexperienced with AMX masters. If that's the case, he might want to contact someone local with a bit more experience to help him evaluate this thing.
added: Not to the original poster: above, I am referring to the programming port. Try to use Netlinx Studio to connect to the master via the programming port (don't forget to properly set your communications parameters). If Studio will connect via RS232 to the master through the programming port, the port is good. Else, it's bad.
@ ericmedley , my cable is known good cable , i have tested it with cisco routers & AMX DVX 2100 HD . I have two cables , tomorrow i will order one directly from AMX . I will test all baud rates . I want to ask you if it is broke then what do you think is broken ?
@ Hedberg . I already flashed the master with newest duet firmware version NI master v3.60.453 , NI 3000 v1.30.8. I am new to AMX & trying to learn . If you think the programming port is bad then what has caused it , is it repairable in house ? . This unit is OOW.
Again Thank you guys for your time & replies i really appreciate it .
Did you check the baud rate of the serial port 1 same as the program port baud rate dip switch setting?
Did you try connect the serial port 1 connect to your laptop seiral port?
If the serial port 1 is good and your cable is good too, then you will see what you sent to serial port from the hyper terminal.
If it does not show on hyper terminal you can assume that something is broken.
If you are sure about your laptop com port, your cable and all other settings, it can be serial port itself of the controller.
And I also heard that the program port and serial ports are on same control chip set.
So if one of them is broken there is a good chance that the other is also broken.
The best way of testing this is short pin 2 and pin 3 of the serial port and send something to the serial port.
Then you should be able to see same string comes back.
This is probably the case. Given that it is an NI-3000 and depending on the manufactured date, the unit could possibly have dead com ports. There are a bunch of capacitors that dry out on the board and cause the com ports to die. I have run into this problem several times and have had to send controllers in to get repaired. It's not an expensive fix.