Dra.. your too funny...but I LIKE IT! I know that it's not intuitive that there isn't going to be tunings for cabs that don't need them but who knows...I personally get too much of a kick out of tuning my own speakers.. thanks for the suggestions .. and write up whatever you guys want and I'll check em out and if we get a chance I'll post them.
Sorry I have been MIA for a bit. I've been putting in some hours on various speaker rigging, gain structure and speaker location tasks, etc.
I hate to move my thread, but I think it is best for the reasons stated. If people are trying to learn from this forum, which I think is largely the point, then it would be best to minimize intermingling so many projects into one thread. Sniff, sniff.
Having said that, I'm not sure exactly how to move my stuff without losing the context, so I'll have to give that some thought. We'll figure it out.
Update on 'the gym'.
The speakers are back up. It's funny, but the difference is night and day. For now I went with a simple positioning setup which I will photograph and post on the new thread. I think this simple change will make an enourmous improvement in sound in that space. I'm estimating that we have moved the speakers 65% closer to the listening area, plus they are better aligned. The change is so dramatic that I can actually notice a increase in bass response because they are so much closer. I didn't expect that benefit to be so noticable. Clarity is improved. And the entire gym seems much quieter as we are not 'exciting' the space that is not part of the listening area nearly as much. This improvement is without even inserting the DR260 into the signal path yet.
Our first performance rehearsal was today and it went very well. Many challenges await.
I'm preparing my head for setting up an aux fed sub system for the performance. This will take two DR260's. I will use the first DR for L-R and EQ flat for open mic routing. I will use the second DR for sub aux feed and a monitor feed. Not sure what curve to choose on the autoEQ for the monitor. Both of these will need time alignment and will only include playback of CD content when used.
It's a fun little project. It's almost like having your own little sound labratory to conduct my experiments.
An added bonus was that while we were repositioning the srm450's, I was able to alter the input gain settings to them. This allows me now to run the board hotter and move my inputs a little further out of the noise floor which makes things sound cleaner and clearer.
More later. I'll move my thread. I've gotta go for now.
Maybe you could leave the posts you have already done on this thread,...plus copy them to a new thread... Then you could post a link on this thread that points to the new one... Anyways,...it's just an idea...:idea:
Sounds like your project is coming about very nicely!... Keep up the good work!...:)
I need your advise: I received the Allen & Heath replacement desk today... Do you think I should start from scratch as far as setting-up the gain structure with this unit?... I ask this because it seemed like I had to move the sliders forward considerably on the last one to achieve the same results as the old Yamaha mixer... This could be due to the weak power supply in the last unit,...or maybe the actual slider length on the Allen & Heath is longer?... I'm a perfectionist so I'd much rather take the time and start from scratch...if it's better to do so than to just run with it...:)
I thank you for your advice!... Lately I find myself reading your post two or three times checking for your subtle sarcasm... You almost caught me sleeping with your sub-woofer to headphone remark... That was a good one!...:)
Sorry, family trait as I understand it. I'll \"try\" to be more careful. I like to see who's listening. You can also check how much power the speaker is actually using from the amp by connecting a 1/4\" cable in parallel and puting it in your mouth. The worse it hurts, the more headroom you have.
You can also check how much power the speaker is actually using from the amp by connecting a 1/4" cable in parallel and puting it in your mouth. The worse it hurts, the more headroom you have.
I never heard of this before... OK...I've got to try it!... Should I strip-out the ends and clamp them to the tip of my tong with large alligator clips while standing in a pool of water?..:P
Best bet here is to make sure you use salt water, and apply salt liberally to your mouth area. Those battery clamps with the serrated edges help to insure good connections, however with the aforementioned preparations simply inserting a 1/4 \" jack into a tightly closed mouth should suffice. Jumper cable clamps aren't necessary for anything below 400 amps of current flow... well beyond the capability of your amps... but burn marks AND puncture wounds will make it difficult for the surviving family members to invoke the \"accidental death\" clause of your insurance policy in the unlikely event that something would go terribly wrong. If however you are using the Crown Belchfire 6000 amp simple insert the 1/4 inch jack in the ground anywhere in the vicinity and watch as all life is extinguished in a 1 mile radius. It may however be easier to simply douse yourself with gasoline shout extremist Muslim rhetoric that has nothing to do with the actual teachings of the Coran, and burn yourself in effigy!
As always DBX and everyone ever associated with this forum, computers in general, and most intelligent life in the universe, disavow all knowledge of this thread and its contents, and cannot be held accountable for knuckleheaded misuse of the information NOT provided here.
If you still insist on trying this, please spell my name correctly and include me in your last will and testament. Thats Gary Perrett.. P.O box...Oh and any and all audio associated gear, Harley's, Boats, campers and associated equipment graciously accepted. [/list]
Well my job on this planet is done. I've made the Driverack Forum educational and entertaining. Using the the affore mentioned method with a Mac 6000 amp would prove useless to measure \"headroom\" as no one involved with the test would be able to find the top of the tester's head to measure the room now vacated. Sounds like a good one for MythBusters.
I'm still here. I'm just cracking up over your latest mischief on the thread.
Kevin -
No speakers fell on my head, although now if I apply Dra's logic, that may significantly increase my headroom! LOL
Thanks guys I really needed the humor. I've been running around like a chicken with its head cut ... uh oh... not sure what you guys will come up with if I finish that sentence...
Carry on. I will have lots of questions and observations for you all.
I heard that they re-animated Tesla and he developed the patented \"Anywhere within 100 cubic miles of high-voltage transmission lines for wireless power draw vacuum tubes.\" Rated for 2 Kilowatt hours. Amp must not be moved until after a 3.7 hr cool down peroid to prolong tube life. Don't leave home without a spare or 10. FCC class 13-WV(N) liscense required.
The Youth Center Sound System is 99.9% complete!... Everything is labeled and I started to put a binder together today with all of the literature included...
Yesterday I went to a opened box sale at Circuit City and purchased a Denon DVD757 DVD player and an Onkyo DXC390 CD changer for $199.22...with full factory warranty... I replaced the outdated worn-out units we had... I figure...why stop short of completing the system...because it's only as good as the crappiest piece... I played them last evening and I'm very impressed with the picture and sound quality!...
Starting next Friday at 8:00PM we are going to kick-off \"Friday Night Flicks\"!... I very excited about this outreach because we are encouraging the kids to bring their friends plus...THE VIDEO AND SOUND SYSTEM TOTALLY ROCKS!!!...:D
I'll be posting some pictures of the final installation very soon,... and I would like to thank all of you for helping me and becoming my wonderful friends!...:)
Your brother in Christ!
PS. Wolfie,...I'm keeping a watch on your new thread...
P.S. your lookin pretty good for someone almost as old as dirt...
Gary,...I guess I had it coming for the remark I made about you..."a fifty something DJ cruising down the road in an old van and blowing it's doors off while listening to EVH"...:)
EVH! Is that the new line from Electro-Voice! I've heard great things.
Eddy rules! Just wish rock-n-rollers would realize, that...\"If you'll pretend to like me and not call me a $%^#*&^%@$#&$*&^#$%@^$#&, I'll share a gazillion dollars with you.\"
Funny, in the 70's I managed a Morrow's in the mall. It didn't work out. \"Floaters\", \"Gramma's Accident\", and \"Steam'n Cow Pie's\" (served on a bed of die ice flakes) didn't go over well with corporate management.
Hey coming from someone OLDER than dirt you should take that as a VERY BIG compliment... I was only kidding, you already told us thats not you... :shock:
Hey coming from someone OLDER than dirt you should take that as a VERY BIG compliment... I was only kidding, you already told us thats not you... :shock:
Gary,...I already knew that you were kidding...just as I was in the remark I made...:)
Now...regarding Dra,...he's been a challenge for me figure-out so I finally accepted the fact that he's somewhat of a FRUIT CAKE!... He cracks me up!!!...
Wolfie's OK...He's just getting his priorities in order and audio is getting pushed down a little for right now... Everything is fine and he'll be back and keep him in your thoughts... I have found some wonderful friends here and I think it's great that we can rely on each other for support,...and to watch each others back...:)
I am a video editor that has been put over the sound ministry. I know the very basics. The little I do know I learned in this forum. (This forum rocks!)
I never had to set up a new system but now I do. And I just have a month to learn.
I have no clue as to how. What books do you guys recommend. Is there software or something to calculate the placement of the speakers. Does anyone know of free classes in the New York area. Any information would be great.
Hello Joshua,.... So far you have one thing going for you... You admit that you don't have a clue as to how to set up a new sound system... It's the guy that thinks he knows everything that gets into major problems... There is so much for you to learn in so little time!... Believe me I know!... First off...you stated "new system"...is this correct?... Is this a new building or an existing one... Can you get the room deminsions and type of construction materials used on the floor, walls, and ceiling?... Are you planing on buying all new equipment?... If so,...what is your budget?... Do you have an electrical/electronic background?... I will need to know all of the specifics, details, and pictures of the room would be great!...:)
To funny... the student has become the teacher! I can just see it now...
kpippen posts 1,203,456
Headline reads:
Kpippen writes \"Driverack for dummies\" Launches world wide support team and international training seminars scheduled...
Crown International hires Kevin Pippen as head of training for Belchfire series amps. Your loss is his gain!
Harmon International bought out by Kpippen audio group...Imediate acquisition of Danley sound, Loud systems inc., Meyer sound, Lab Grupppen, Nexo, L acoustic and D&B Audio Tecknik... Next on the list Bank of America, Mastercard, Ebay and Google...
Have a good day!
Sorry I have been MIA for a bit. I've been putting in some hours on various speaker rigging, gain structure and speaker location tasks, etc.
I hate to move my thread, but I think it is best for the reasons stated. If people are trying to learn from this forum, which I think is largely the point, then it would be best to minimize intermingling so many projects into one thread. Sniff, sniff.
Having said that, I'm not sure exactly how to move my stuff without losing the context, so I'll have to give that some thought. We'll figure it out.
Update on 'the gym'.
The speakers are back up. It's funny, but the difference is night and day. For now I went with a simple positioning setup which I will photograph and post on the new thread. I think this simple change will make an enourmous improvement in sound in that space. I'm estimating that we have moved the speakers 65% closer to the listening area, plus they are better aligned. The change is so dramatic that I can actually notice a increase in bass response because they are so much closer. I didn't expect that benefit to be so noticable. Clarity is improved. And the entire gym seems much quieter as we are not 'exciting' the space that is not part of the listening area nearly as much. This improvement is without even inserting the DR260 into the signal path yet.
Our first performance rehearsal was today and it went very well. Many challenges await.
I'm preparing my head for setting up an aux fed sub system for the performance. This will take two DR260's. I will use the first DR for L-R and EQ flat for open mic routing. I will use the second DR for sub aux feed and a monitor feed. Not sure what curve to choose on the autoEQ for the monitor. Both of these will need time alignment and will only include playback of CD content when used.
It's a fun little project. It's almost like having your own little sound labratory to conduct my experiments.
An added bonus was that while we were repositioning the srm450's, I was able to alter the input gain settings to them. This allows me now to run the board hotter and move my inputs a little further out of the noise floor which makes things sound cleaner and clearer.
More later. I'll move my thread. I've gotta go for now.
Maybe you could leave the posts you have already done on this thread,...plus copy them to a new thread... Then you could post a link on this thread that points to the new one... Anyways,...it's just an idea...:idea:
Sounds like your project is coming about very nicely!... Keep up the good work!...:)
Your brother in Christ,
I need your advise: I received the Allen & Heath replacement desk today... Do you think I should start from scratch as far as setting-up the gain structure with this unit?... I ask this because it seemed like I had to move the sliders forward considerably on the last one to achieve the same results as the old Yamaha mixer... This could be due to the weak power supply in the last unit,...or maybe the actual slider length on the Allen & Heath is longer?... I'm a perfectionist so I'd much rather take the time and start from scratch...if it's better to do so than to just run with it...:)
Anyways,...let me know your thoughts...
I thank you for your advice!... Lately I find myself reading your post two or three times checking for your subtle sarcasm... You almost caught me sleeping with your sub-woofer to headphone remark... That was a good one!...:)
As always DBX and everyone ever associated with this forum, computers in general, and most intelligent life in the universe, disavow all knowledge of this thread and its contents, and cannot be held accountable for knuckleheaded misuse of the information NOT provided here.
If you still insist on trying this, please spell my name correctly and include me in your last will and testament. Thats Gary Perrett.. P.O box...Oh and any and all audio associated gear, Harley's, Boats, campers and associated equipment graciously accepted. [/list]
Where you been?... Did one of those speakers drop on your head?...:)
I'm still here. I'm just cracking up over your latest mischief on the thread.
Kevin -
No speakers fell on my head, although now if I apply Dra's logic, that may significantly increase my headroom! LOL
Thanks guys I really needed the humor. I've been running around like a chicken with its head cut ... uh oh... not sure what you guys will come up with if I finish that sentence...
Carry on. I will have lots of questions and observations for you all.
http://www.crownaudio.com/pdf/legacy/be ... asheet.pdf
As advertised I have begun my own thread for my little gym project.
The link is over here...
The Youth Center Sound System is 99.9% complete!... Everything is labeled and I started to put a binder together today with all of the literature included...
Yesterday I went to a opened box sale at Circuit City and purchased a Denon DVD757 DVD player and an Onkyo DXC390 CD changer for $199.22...with full factory warranty... I replaced the outdated worn-out units we had... I figure...why stop short of completing the system...because it's only as good as the crappiest piece... I played them last evening and I'm very impressed with the picture and sound quality!...
Starting next Friday at 8:00PM we are going to kick-off \"Friday Night Flicks\"!... I very excited about this outreach because we are encouraging the kids to bring their friends plus...THE VIDEO AND SOUND SYSTEM TOTALLY ROCKS!!!...:D
I'll be posting some pictures of the final installation very soon,... and I would like to thank all of you for helping me and becoming my wonderful friends!...:)
Your brother in Christ!
PS. Wolfie,...I'm keeping a watch on your new thread...
Good question...
Our church bought some type of license that allows us to show full length videos... I can get the information for you if your interested...
The CVL license will allow the public performance of copyrighted home DVD's and Cassettes in all church locations for a single annual fee...
Click here!
Dra I must say you've looked better
Eddy rules! Just wish rock-n-rollers would realize, that...\"If you'll pretend to like me and not call me a $%^#*&^%@$#&$*&^#$%@^$#&, I'll share a gazillion dollars with you.\"
Just curious: Has anyone ever told you that...\"YOU BELONG IN THE NUT HOUSE!!!\"...:)
Wolfie has been a bit scarce has he not?
Gary,...I already knew that you were kidding...just as I was in the remark I made...:)
Now...regarding Dra,...he's been a challenge for me figure-out so I finally accepted the fact that he's somewhat of a FRUIT CAKE!...
Wolfie's OK...He's just getting his priorities in order and audio is getting pushed down a little for right now... Everything is fine and he'll be back and keep him in your thoughts... I have found some wonderful friends here and I think it's great that we can rely on each other for support,...and to watch each others back...:)
To funny... the student has become the teacher! I can just see it now...
kpippen posts 1,203,456
Headline reads:
Kpippen writes \"Driverack for dummies\" Launches world wide support team and international training seminars scheduled...
Crown International hires Kevin Pippen as head of training for Belchfire series amps. Your loss is his gain!
Harmon International bought out by Kpippen audio group...Imediate acquisition of Danley sound, Loud systems inc., Meyer sound, Lab Grupppen, Nexo, L acoustic and D&B Audio Tecknik... Next on the list Bank of America, Mastercard, Ebay and Google...
you go Kevin!
I guess I had it coming!... Obviously my zeal, desire to help others, and passion for audio really got the best of me here...:oops: