Crossover settings for Peavy QW series Speakers
I'm back guys for the next chapter in my PA experience. First thanks for the previous help with gain structure setting, EQ tips (outdoor method, thanks Dra), and most noticeable crossover settings (thanks Kev)
I am purchasing some Peavy QW series Speakers ( two 15\" enclosure with a horn) The information is on the following link:
The program (Driveware GUI) you posted results from before Kev really helped. Hopefully these speakers can be applied to it as well. Look forward to the reply. Thanks as always!!!!!
I am purchasing some Peavy QW series Speakers ( two 15\" enclosure with a horn) The information is on the following link:
The program (Driveware GUI) you posted results from before Kev really helped. Hopefully these speakers can be applied to it as well. Look forward to the reply. Thanks as always!!!!!
Gadget.. those QW's are nice!
Thanks for the reply. I went to the Peavy website, downloaded the VSX software and honestly its lost me.
Here's the Gear I'm using:
Mackie 1604-VLZ3 (16 channel mixer)
dbx 266XL Compressor/Gate (vocals only)
Drive Rack PA
LOW/left output DRPA to Crown xti 4000 (Y setting for mono signal) powering a pair of B-52 LX-18 V2 18\" 1000W Folded Horn Subwoofer
L/R Hi outputs DRPA to Crown xti 4000 for Peavy QW 4
Questions are:
Crossover help, and should I be incorporating the mid outputs of DRPA with these new Speakers?
Try this if using the QW4s full range...
Try this if bi-amping the QW4s...
Kev.....thanks for the help!!
Personally I have not bi-amped but I could imagine the benefits would be enormous... It would allow you much more control and flexibility over your mid and high frequencies... Maybe Gadget or Dra will chime in to list all of the advantages...
PS. The bi-amp crossover settings I suggested came from the Peavey VSX 26 processor binary file for the QW4...:D
Well if I'll look into the option and hopefully Gadget can drop a note.
As always thanks, and I'll be posting the results.
Besides, You said, \"Do it.\" Marty says, \"Here's the science.\" Gadget and Marty, walking hand in hand. :oops: That does sound right.
Should read, \"That doesn't sound right.\" :? :? :?
All right so lets get something cleared up here...
1. I'm never wrong
2. I'm always right
3. In case of questions, see # 1 & 2...
You know I wish we had that little emoticon of the guy lying on his side pounding the floor laughing like yahoo MSN does...It would be perfect for Dra's posts wouldn't it...Kevin... make it so! chuckle...
As for the Questions, I would Biamp the tops if it were me...Kevin are those setups using the Peavey presets from the Software?
That system should rock!
Is this the right idea for the Bi-amp application? I need to purchase it soon cause I have a gig Saturday and need to reestablish gain structure and EQ settings.
oops ... my bad. I meant to say Driverack PA. You could probably get very close with a 260 ... if your checkbook allows paying double:D .
There is one extra band of PEQ in the VSX per output that the 260 does not have. The major differences between the Driverack PA and the VSX are the inclusion of Bessell function filters in the VSX and a lot more output EQ in the VSX.
Now as I look at the info it sounds like the PEQ's required for this operation are not available, also some phase variations exist...The Crossover info isn't available except to VSX processor owners as a download, so getting the speakers Bi amped would be a job even with the 260. I guess I'd stay running full range till I got a VSX or 260...It would make a huge difference, but sounds like you don't have the right tools...
Thanks again and I'll be posting the new results later.
H PEQ 300hz 12.0db Q 5.71
1.25khz 9.0db Q 2.63
11.8khz 12.0 db Q 3
L PEQ 80hz -12db S3
These settings allowed less than +/- 6 db in all freqencies with the majority close to 0db.
I noticed my sub/lows amp setting is now almost @ 3 o clock, but the gain structure is secure with no chance of clipping.
I got the \"D\" precurve set as well as my 2nd option. I haven't messed with the time alignment, but thats the next step. Hopefully that wont throw off my \"baseline\" for the EQ.\" You guys told me to get that first, but I still need to read more about it to get it. I still have an old post to go back.
How does my EQ settings look?
P.S. Gadget I'll be looking into those forums THANKS
Highs 125hz LR 24 0.0db
Lows 45.0hz BW 18 10db 125hz LR 24
Low crown xti 4000 set up with \"Y\" due to the 1 input from the DRPA's left/mono LOW with amps outputs (1 and 2) to a pair of 18\" folded B-52's.
How did the EQ settings look Gadget? is that acceptable?
Phasing the often do you find that commercially built speakers, Peavy, B-52 are setup incorrectly?
Timing alignment: With the crossover settings (after your adjustment) what frequency would you recommend for the sweeping delay technique?
A 12 db adjustment (even the 9) seems severe. Those frequencies are well in the range of what should be +/- 3db out of the box. How does it sound?
The sound, well it seemed \"even.\" Like you said in a room to \"season to taste.' It was only one stack/outside.
I then set the D curve, but I put the exact same settings on the filters. After my top speakers seemed to be a bit louder than the lows. Not a good sound.
When choosing a \"C\" or \"D\" curve am I supposed to set the PEQ filters to get the humps out the same as the \"0\" Curve?
If so, then I need to start from \"scratch\" wit each Curve setting.
The PEQ adjustments should, after the next auto-EQ pass, mimic whatever curve you are shooting for. When it does, flatten the GEQ for room adjustments and never (a real long time) touch your PEQ's.
Each curve will be a new program that you'll set-up. Each will have drastically different setting in the PEQ.
If you had that much trouble getting flat, chances are you will not have anywhere enough filters to fix cab response problems AND add the warm fuzzy or bright characteristics of the curves.
I shouldn't waste the filters out of the range of 160hz - 700hz since I'll be tuning those by ear?
EQing was much more acurate with the corrected mic position. No crazy frequencies @ +/- 12db. Filters were set no more than 5 db, and the end results +/- 3 db on the \"Dips and humps\" which were very limited. I only focused on the center frequencies as discussed.
My Crossover point is @ 100hz cause that was the closest tone I could fine to sweep with, and the delay was a bit tricky. I ended up using around 7 msec in the DRPA, and 10ms in my Crown XTI resulting in just under 18ms. The null was very difficult to hear cause I thought it would get a lot lower, however listening carefully I could hear a drop.
The system sounds awesome. The only thing I need a refresher in is the Kick drum frequency along with Bass Guitar,
Guitar, and Vocals I believe is (2.0 to 2.5)
Now I'll be checking on the System Architect and start messing with that.
Thanks Gadget, cause of your help I have restored the faith of my other band members in my sound skills (or lack thereof)
You da man! Get back to me with that info I PM'd you.
On the guitar, 2 KHZ is lead sizzle, 400-600hz is meat
Vocals, 3.5k clarity...
Glad to hear the beast is alive!...I sent you the info your PM