PA +
Just received a new PA +. First problem, I can not get the X Over to clear or move. I saved a x over point and can't change it.
Another question. Why does this unit not have a off - on switch ?
Any help out there ?
Another question. Why does this unit not have a off - on switch ?
Any help out there ?
I further assume you can select a preset, and modify it.. I DO NOT assume you can clear it...
No power switch ? To put the unit back to factory pre sets you need to un plug the unit . Then push a button and re plug to power.
Looks as you need to hit the x over point perfect the first time. No second chance so don't buy new speakers.
Rack Drive was a good idea but not useable without the x over working.
I don't have mine yet either.
Gadget, when were our demos supposed to arrive?
Did not like the sound and wanted to mod the settings. I have read the two books several times. Tried to reset to factory spec. and the xover does not change. I can add all the points I want but can not remove any.
Been working with this thing about 6 hours. Then gave up.
Don't worry about it. I think I will just buy a good compressor and a harmonic sync. and use my man. 31 band and x over. After thinking about this unit and finding out the hole unit is dead without the x over
I will send it back to the seller.
The only way to be safe ,with the Rack Drive , is to carry back-up units.
I should of known the idea was too good to be true !Love my Crown amps and Lexicon's though ! Had those for 20 years. Macro amps can't be beat.
Someday you might get the EQ section right.
I still want to know STEP BY STEP how you tried to mod the crossover points.
Not on a keyboard anyway. When you are reading a book and pushing buttons things happen quick.
It just doesn't make sense that after a re boot or program change that the x over does not change. You know , people do not use the same speakers all the time. How do they cope. What if you go out with a mono sub tonight and a bar with a 2 way stereo tomorrow ? 18\" with a cab. x over of 120 and a 15 with a 150 the next. I know it will work half A$$. But, my ear is better than that.
You know, I now have about 11 x over points on it now. Only need 3. I can find no way to bring it back to flat and start over or remove the points I don't want. I thought I could figure out most anything, after a little trial and error. I will work on it tomorrow for a while.
-Select a preset
-Press the XOVER button
-Press PREV PAGE or NEXT PAGE repeatedly until you arrive at the page you want to edit. This will be a page with a high, mid, or low crossover point.
-Successive presses of the data wheel will move a cursor between 2 or 3 parameters. Select freq (or frequency)
-Rotate the data wheel back and forth and the crossover point should shift higher and lower.
Try this...Press and hold the RTA button at power up and tell me what message the screen displays.
Highs - HPF 120hz LR24 and out
Can you go into the x-over section and hi-lite the \"hz\"? If you can what happens when the Data wheel is rotated? Does the hz number change?
Now if you set up a 3 way system (2 x-over points) you cannot remove a point and have a 2-way system. You must set up another preset.
Anyway. I took this unit back to the dealer and exchanged it for another.
This one worked fine in the store. I will keep you posted on my outcome.
Thanks for your quick reply's !!
Tomorrow I will setup in a 400 seat club and give it a real workout. I
will also take backup eq's and x over just in case I have a problem.
I'm looking forward to the delay and the sync. As far as feedback I don't think that will ever be a factor.
Again, thanks for your replys. I guess I just got a bad one.
I have mounted the PA+ in a rack with a power conditioner so I can have a off on switch . I have long arms but holding a button and reaching around the rack to plug and un plug the unit, to reset, is a pain. Next up date have DBX put a on off sw. on the unit !!
Don't know if you work for Harman or not but you could send me a PM if you don't want everyone to read your reply.
Like I said before, Crown and Lexicon can't be beat. I have never been let down. I bought DBX because of the great service I have had the last 20 years from Crown and Lexicon.
As of now ,I love the features. Just hope it is bullet proof like the other products.