DBX Driverack PA2 problems
Hi there,
I recently purchased a Driverack PA2 but I immediately ran into problems. After adjusting some settings and loading a few different presets the system blocks and I can't do anything with it. The only solution is powering off and restart again.
Now I deleted the firmware completely and installed the firmware again (using latop and SUB cable as described several times in this forum) but the problem persists. After installing the new firmware I used the device for approx 2 hours and during those 2 hours I loaded approx 8 different presets and then the system was stuck again.
Any thoughts what might be the problem?
SUB cable is USB cable of course :-)
If the Manufacturing Firmware Updater does not resolve the issue, then if you are in your retail return window, I would exchange it for a new unit or refund. You also have the option of sending it in for a warranty repair if bought in the US from an authorized dealer you can contact us (info in my signature below)
hola amigo solucionaste tu problema
solucionaron el problema porque ami me pasa lo mismo y nadie me resuelve nada ni me comentan si es falla de pa2 ami me falla con el pa2 conectado al Reuter conectado 2 horas imedia ya no responde
Saya mengalami masalah dengan DriveRack PA+ milik saya. Kondisinya tidak bisa menampilkan menu apa-apa. Pada display hanya tertulis !: wr_dsp_byte From id_pmen-dr_init STAT WORD 14 0
Saya sudah mencoba melakukan factory reset tapi tidak bisa dan tetap muncul kalimat !: wr_dsp_byte From id_pmen-dr_init STAT WORD 14 0
Dapatkah anda membantu saya??
This unit looks like it will need service.