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Re: Where's the update for : PCM Native Reverb Plug-in Bundle
@Hornedog said:
All I do know is if it does happen, there had BETTER be a free/very inexpensive upgrade for users who have already bought the product, because this will be the last company to port to Apple silicon by a country mile.
There will be no "upgrade" purchase necessary for this. The new versions of the plug-in will simply be available to download for anyone just like they currently are, install over the versions you already have/own, and your already existing license will still work for the Apple Silicone/VST3 supported version.
I know the damage may be done for the trust to some of you, but know that we're musicians here too. Itching for the updates and craving the Lexicon sound we've come to know and love just like all of you, and I wouldn't be here just blowing smoke if I didn't believe in it myself. Please hang in there a little longer.
Re: Where's the update for : PCM Native Reverb Plug-in Bundle
Hello All!
I can assure you that we hear your frustrations loud and clear. I will be posting in these forums once the updates are released as well as e-mailing any and all of you that have contacted us in the past couple of years that are on the e-mail list for updates.
Re: Where's the update for : PCM Native Reverb Plug-in Bundle
@studioton said:
@HARMAN_PKarr said:
Hello All!I can assure you that we hear your frustrations loud and clear. I will be posting in these forums once the updates are released as well as e-mailing any and all of you that have contacted us in the past couple of years that are on the e-mail list for updates.
how far we have come with the updates?
I know the majority of those on the forums are seeking Mac updates, but part of the reason that the process has taken so long is that Windows + iLok updates are happening at the same time and everything involve more than just making them compatible with the latest OS versions. They will not be released until both are ready, but I can at least say that both have been in testing states with me, so hopefully not much longer. Hang in there!
Re: Where's the update for : PCM Native Reverb Plug-in Bundle
I think its kind of at the point where an update alone isn't enough - there needs to be a change in how information is communicated from Lexicon and a proper structure in place for updates and support. Do we even have a customer facing rep anymore?
Re: M1 Apple Silicon and VST3 support
Okay... hope I don't get kicked off the forum for this. Gotta have a sense of humor I guess. They say "a watched pot never boils," so maybe I should take a break from checking this thread for a month... or two... or three...
Lexicon Plugins and M1/M2 Macs and later Mac OS Compatibility
We get asked a lot if our Lexicon Plugins (PCM Native Reverb & Effects, LXP Native Reverb Bundle, and MPX Native Reverb) are compatible with M1/M2 Macs and the latest Mac OS. Here is the information as it stands:
All of the plugins current latest versions will run on M1/M2 Macs utilizing Rosetta - native silicon support will be included in the next update.
All of the plugins are confirmed running on the latest Mac OS Ventura 13.2 (and all previous versions) - we do not however have official MacOS compatibility as of now with the latest MacOS
We will have performance and compatibility for M1 Macs, and later Mac OS fixes in the next update which is coming this year. We will announce when any beta installers are available if any, ahead of the official release. As of now we do not have a specific date or ETA for this update.
As always, when any updates or information becomes available we will announce it here