Where is the sampling rate setting?
I cannot find anywhere telling about changing sampling rate, 44.1, 48 or etc. I hear someone said about working with DAW and it could change in that situation.
If there is any answer, thank you.
I cannot find anywhere telling about changing sampling rate, 44.1, 48 or etc. I hear someone said about working with DAW and it could change in that situation.
If there is any answer, thank you.
for Ui24R, thanks, I couldn't find the edit function.
Greetings Sammtri - did you ever receive any response to this question? I ask as I too am recently trying to figure out how to adjust the sampling rate from 48/24 to 44.1/24...
There is NO sample rate setting . Ui24R is fixed at 48K. You can adjust the bit depth under Settings for the stereo record and you can change formats on The Multitrack from WAV or FLAC with 2 choices of bit depth.
Well, this is a bit strange.

I am running Cubase 12 and I set up both a test project and also saved a template file with all the specs set to the way I work.
In the project setup, I set the sample rate to 48Khz.
See Sample rate image 1
However, I then see a warning flag in the sample rate field
I then click on the warning flag and I see
Warning: Sample rate does not match the sample rate of the audio hardware **
**See sample rate image 2
I then did a short test recording in cubase and looked at the stats of the audio file and it shows that it is indeed a 48Khz file.
So can anybody in Harmen / Soundcraft tech dept tell me what is going on?
Hopefully, Harmen / Soundcraft wil liase with Steinberg and if it's just a bug, get it fixed?
One more thing, even though you say the mixer sample rate ** IS SET AT 48KHZ**, in the Soundcraft USB Audio control panel it is permanently set at 44.1Khz and there seems to be no way to change this.