Ui24R Aux stereo link issue
I'm experiencing an issue where on aux 9/10 if I stereo link them we aux only gets a few channels. But if I unlink them it works as expected. I've reset the channels then relinked them and the same thing happens. Can anyone suggest what is happening and how it can be fixed?
What do you mean by that?
Thanks @wolfgang, that was a muddled message.
So I've investigated further, I've now done a full reset too which did not help. Oddly after the reset it still remembered my shows/cues which I find odd but other than that I have no reason to think the reset didn't work, all channels were reset, unnamed etc.
I better understand the problem now, the second headphone output appears to be problem, whether its hardware or software I can't tell but I'm leaning toward a hardware failure. The symptoms are:
It's not under warranty and I'm guessing if I send the unit in for repair I'll have to wait a month and they'll just replace entire boards and cost me a bomb. So running mono through headphones2 seems to be a logical option
Is there any official presence on these forums from Harman, seems eerily quiet.
You are sure your stereo input is in phase?
Does it the same kind of cancelling if you route a mono input over Aux 9/10 to HP2?
B.t.w. does HP1 has the same result?