Signature 12 / 22 MTK with Cubase

Hi !
Hoping someone can help me solve this problem.
I'm using Soundtrack *Signature MTK mixer, Cubase 8.5 on a Windows 10. That said - I'm not sure if this a MTK, Cubase or a 'Windows issue.
On my Cubase only channel 1 and 2 are active for in- and output.
And so, if I enable RTN (USB Return) on Chn 1 and 2 I'll get playback from the DAW.
However I'm not able to record to the DAW from any other channel on the mixer.
Actually, I am unable to record from any channel exept 1 and 2 from the mixer to the DAW. Despite if RTN is enabled or not.
Also - although I get playback from chn 1 and 2 there's no sound from the metronome.
Th3e driver is installed and all channels are showing up on Windows 10.
I've not found any guide / tutorial on how to setup Soundcraft Signature 12 MTK on Cubase. Have anyone seen any ?
Big thanks in advance for any help !Q
EDIT: I mean "Soundcraft 12 MTK" not "soundtrack".
You probably have already downloaded it but this guide might help if you haven't already looked at it.
Also since you are using Windows 10- Download the driver for Notepad. It will work for Signature as well.
" Also since you are using Windows 10- Download the driver for Notepad. It will work for Signature as well."
Will this driver work with my Signature 12 MTK so that all inputs and outputs work and show in Windows 10 control panel?
The driver which I downloaded from the Soundcraft site does not seem to work correctly with Windows 10.
The choice of outputs does not show in the Windows 10 control panel and the default outputs are on 2 mono tracks, 1 and 2 with no option to select a stereo track.
The driver works fine with Windows 7 where all the outputs are shown in the control panel.