Ui16 Lost Network Connection on cable and wiFi
The Ui16 is the center of our band’s live sound. Having run into occasional issues with the wiFi (iPad shows “Connecting . . .“) mid-session, I connected a laptop to the RJ-45 port as a backup. Yesterday, both the cable-connected laptop and the iPad displayed the dreaded “Connecting . . .” Message simultaneously. I was able to recover via a re-start of the Ui16 - this would pose a problem mid-song . . .anyone seen this issue with cable and WiFi?
Regards, sarge62436
what SW version are you on ?
I had the exact same problem at a gig last night. I could not get re-connected even after reboot. Set up at home this mornig and all working fine. Leaving it running for a while to keep an eye on it.
I will get back to you if anything goes awry. I am thinking of going back to an analogue mixer. I looked so unprofessional last night.
I'm also seeing this issue on both wi-fi and Cat-5 connection. It does seem to come back immediately after a reboot.
i) Anyone know any more about it?
ii) If it happens mid-song, do we lose audio, or does the audio continue, using the last settings?
Audio losing and and connection issues please give a solution for this
Good Afternoon,
Has anyone heard back on a solution to this issue? Looks like this issue was originally brought up on this forum in October of 2019. While I understand issues take time to resolve, 2 years way too long.
Our Ui 16 WiFi connection issues started for us this past summer after we updated to a new Android 11 tablet when our 2016 tablet's battery failed.
We re-set & updated the mixer to the latest version of its firmware which is from 2018 to try and resolve this issue to no avail.
Can we please get some help with this. Not much you can do with the mixer when the connection goes down during a performance. We even tried a larger antenna thinking a stronger signal couldn't hurt. Problem is, it didn't help either.
David Paul
At this point, our lovely board is as useless as a brick.
II've been working with an Ui-16 for several years. I have experienced this issue of it dropping off the network (both Wi-Fi or Ethernet) many times. A couple years ago I set the mixer in and the motherboard was replaced and the last firmware installed. I paid for this repair because the unit was not under warranty. The issue was NOT resolved. I was told by a Soundcraft support engineer that the issue was less likely to occur if DHCP was used rather than static addressing. I made this change but the issue continues. The amount of time between failures is indeterminate. I have power cycled the mixer before an event to get it on the network and it had dropped of ten minutes into the event. I have used several Ui-24Rs in similar environments and have NEVER had this issue with it. I will do the best I can to get Soundcraft to provide a solution.
I have the same problem. NOTHING connects. please help!
Happened to me again this morning at Sunday mass! It crashed on both the internal server and external LAN connection. Thankfully the audio holds, and I had already made satisfactory settings. See this post from Harman on the issue:
The last two paragraphs worry me - they address the issue of mixer software glitches caused by shows growing in size every time mixer parameter adjustments are made. That sounds like bad programming to me.