TPD4 & Vista

Okay, sorta of along the same lines of Vining's problems here, I cannot maintain images that I import. However, I'm leaning towards a Vista problem. I have two sets of graphics, a smaller set (the ones in question are 50x50), and a larger set (75x75). When I import the larger set of buttons into the panel and replace the smaller set, all is fine. I save. Close TPD4. Come back and it's the smaller set again. The buttons have the same names, and everything else seems to save (font attributes, color, etc.)
Does anyone have any issues like this? And if so - any fix / workaround to it?
One more thing - does anyone know the exact path of "backup" panels in XP? I know it's somewhere along the lines of C:\Documents And Settings\LocalData - or Application Data - something like that???
Does anyone have any issues like this? And if so - any fix / workaround to it?
One more thing - does anyone know the exact path of "backup" panels in XP? I know it's somewhere along the lines of C:\Documents And Settings\LocalData - or Application Data - something like that???
Honestly, it sounds like something went wrong with the panel itself or something strange within the program itself - but I don't think Vista is to blame; if it is a problem with the program, I suspect if could've happened just as easily on an XP machine.
I don't think TDP4 does a "backup" exactly - at least, it doesn't have your standard recovery if the program crashes. But I do know it holds temporary files in the following:
root:\Documents and Settings\UserName\Local Settings\Temp\Amx1Res
Edit -> Preferences -> Directories
"Panels" (editable)
<not sure what the default is, I've changed mine>
"Backup copies:" (editable)
C:\Program Files\AMX Control Disc\TPDesign4\BackupFiles
"Temp folder location" (not editable):
(I'm running Vista)
My biggest headache with Vista is networking. All that "Public" "Private" b.s. is quite annoying when connecting to different networks every day. I'm finally starting to get a grasp on what it takes, but I still have to "Diagnose and Repair" every time I wake up my laptop after putting it to sleep. Getting an address via DHCP seems very slow, too.
Create two images named the same thing. Make one be something like 200x200, and the other be 50x50. Create the panel, import the smaller one. Save it and close. Open it back up, import the 200x200, overwriting the smaller one (do not make a copy of it in the panel.) Save it, and close TPD4. Re open it and tell me what image is there - the smaller one or larger one.
Jeremiah, this doesn't address your problem per se, but if you did import new on and off files and then did a f&r of the bitmaps across the whole panel, I think you'll have it collared pretty quickly.
Just a thought..
I imported the "correct" graphics, created a new touch panel file, and then copy and pasted in the pages and popups from the old one to the new one.
What's funny is when you view the graphics that are in the AMXRes1 folder, it shows the older files, which lead me to think that it was the file itself. Anyway, try creating a new file - and then copy over the pages and popups.
Worked for me . . . for now.
You will be able to use TP4 Preview by installing and running TP4 Preview in compatibility mode.
1. Download TP4 directly to your PC.
2. Right-Click on the downloaded file. Select "Properties"
3. Click on the "Compatibility" tab.
4. In the "Compatibility made" window check the box "Run this program in compatibility mode for:"
5. Use the drop-down arrow to select Windows XP.
6. Click "OK"
7. Now you can open the TP4 Preview installation file.
8. Proceed to install the application.
9. Once installed, repeat steps 2-6 with the Application shortcut.
Make sure you're running the install program as an administrator.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Recently I got a new PC with vista installed,and had a bigtime trouble with TPD4. The usual msvcrt.dll problem.
having done all the possible steps unsuccesfully, seeked the help of AMX support. Half of the day he spend on my pc through team viewer; still same error message.
Being helpless, I thought of replacing the msvcrt.dll file in system32/ with a new one. Its not possible to do any changes to the .dll files in system32. What I did was, first removed the .dll extension of the file and then the file remained unrecognized, I copied the new file so that I had two msvcrt files in the same folder; 1. msvcrt and 2. msvcrt.dll
Surprisingly TPD4 installed without any problems. I thought let it have a reboot after that long session.
One black screen with the words "FAILED TO LOAD OPERATING SYSTEM..."
Now I'm happy with XP, no installation problems, no authentication. All is well.
Something is wrong with the installation program for the latest release of TPD4. locked files should be marked and properly replaced on reboot. This should never happen. I'm kicking myself hard, because I know better than to move a system file like that, but I ran process viewer and it wasn't in use, so I thought it was OK. Apparently not, something about it is needed at login time, and that is when it crashes. Now, instead of having a nice relaxing Saturday after a pretty miserable week, I'm going to be all day re-installing Windows, and the hundreds of other programs on this PC.
You might get yourself a copy of Knoppix and start your PC up in linux. That will give you the ability to access the file system and move files around any way you want. It won't fix a registry problem or a boot sector problem or the like, but it will allow you to manipulate the files. I think it will allow you to do just about everything, so the necessary caveats apply.
Interestingly enough, TPD4 runs just fine with the old msvcrt.dll in place. Go figure.
And by, the way, thanks for the heads-up on that utility. It looks worth having anyway. I could pull the drive and mount it on another PC, but that would require screwing all the permissions. Post-XP Windows is awful that way. I suppose it really is more secure, but it really makes life difficult.
I can only conclude that the web update version (for all I know the one downloaded directly too, but I can't confirm it) of the TPD4 has either a corrupt or the wrong version altogether for Vista 32 of msvcrt.dll. I've called it in to AMX, but people should be warned ... this is a majorly serious problem, and can render a computer inoperable if you don't have the resources to repair it.