So Windows 7 x64......

It's interesting that some things seem to work fine and others don't with my new Windows 7 64-bit environment.
So far I've discovered that no matter how hard I try, NS3 will not connect RS-232 to any NetLinx master. I am using a Trendnet TU-S9 USB to Serial adapter that works fine with other software and 4 different terminal programs, just not NS3 or the terminal program contained therein.
AMX USBLan does not work either. Even when run and installed in "XP compatibility mode". When I plug in a TP via USB the driver can never be found.
Also I'm missing Fonts in TPDesign4, although they are installed on my computer, I can pull up their names in TPD, I just cant get the buttons to display the characters.
This is all I've discovered so far, but I've had the computer less than a week.
Any ideas? If anyone else has experience with this, any help would be appreciated.
Thank you.
This is all I've discovere
So far I've discovered that no matter how hard I try, NS3 will not connect RS-232 to any NetLinx master. I am using a Trendnet TU-S9 USB to Serial adapter that works fine with other software and 4 different terminal programs, just not NS3 or the terminal program contained therein.
AMX USBLan does not work either. Even when run and installed in "XP compatibility mode". When I plug in a TP via USB the driver can never be found.
Also I'm missing Fonts in TPDesign4, although they are installed on my computer, I can pull up their names in TPD, I just cant get the buttons to display the characters.
This is all I've discovered so far, but I've had the computer less than a week.
Any ideas? If anyone else has experience with this, any help would be appreciated.
Thank you.
This is all I've discovere
Very interesting. I've been running Win 7 x64 for almost a year now and haven't seen any of those problems.
What kind of computer is it? Computers are strange things, much like cars: YMMV.
The USBLan and terminal things seem like they should be easy fixes.
I also can use it on my Latitude Laptop and connect in NS3 and it's terminal. There's something specific to how the NS3 works in the Windows 7 Laptop and the Trendnet device.
Are you sure about that? It's supposed to create a new connection which it can't do on windows 7 x64.
I encountered the exact issues the OP described with several laptops all running windows 7 x64, that has led me to the conclusion that it just won't run well on windows 7 x64, for that reason I have an XP partition as well (32-bit).
It might be different on windows 7 x86, but on x64 it doesn't run.
That was the fix that I had to have my installers do on their field laptops that are running Win 7 x64. After adding the exception they have been able to download to R4 remotes without issue.
I had to do the same thing on my laptop and my two desktop systems which are running Win 7 x32.
The OP mentioned problems creating the connection and not problems installing, so I assumed it was the firewall blocking the connection for him like it did with my installers' laptops.
*** edit - I just re-read the original post and I see that the OP is talking about touch panels not connecting via USB. I have not tried to connect a touch panel USB to my installers' laptops, so there may be an issue there. I know the installers are able to download to R4s though.
Not sure about R4s but I am positive that I can't do it to TPs I use my windows xp partition mostly for AMX these days so I don't even bother with the windows 7 x64 when doing AMX development.
Problems installing are fixable by doing it in compatibility mode/run as admin.
Any hint or official word when the AMX suite will be officially compatible with any current version of Windows? I heard Windows 8 was on the horizon...would be funny if AMX accomplishes Vista compatibility when 8 drops.
You are funny. You should quit your day job and take up standup.
Win 7 Home Edition Premium 64 bits
I have an error message about XP SP1 is needed.
1) make sure you run the installer from your computer and not from a shared drive. For example put the installer file(s) on your desktop and run them from there.
2) Make sure you right click on the installer file, got to properties, then the compatibility tab and set it for Win XP SP3 mode.
3) Depending upon your situation you may also want to 'Run As Administrator."
4) If the install fails, make sure to 'uninstall' it before trying again with different settings.
A lot of it seems to be trial and error depending upon so many things. Keep messing with the compatiblility mode until you choose the right one.
One last thing. Turn off all firewalls prior to installation. A lot of the WIN 7 firewall blocks happen without notification to you. So, as far as you know, it went without any blocks. But, If you look at the Windows event log you see that the firewall pretty much blocked half the files the installer tried to write.
Hope that helps.
I'm new with Win 7 and didn't know the compatibility trick...
An error occured about SQL Server 2005 Express.
If I install SQL Server 2005 Express 64 bits from MS first, can I install VA with the CD?
1) Uninstall VA.
2) Install Netlinx Studio 3 (if not already installed.)
3) Use Netlinx Studio 3 for all programming needs.
4) Dispose of Visual Architect install disc.
I notice you skip the 'set VA disc on fire' step. I usually have to do this around here.
I installed IREDIT on my mork computer which is running Win7 32 bit. It worked ok unitl I tried to capture a remote with the IRIS unit. The computer 'blue screen' ed me. I could not get it to work, so I took the remote home and hooked up to my XP laptop.
Does anybody know if this can be fixed/worked around? I really don't want to have to carry 2 laptops around
Don't you do your code capturing beforehand? It's what I do here and that saves me the trouble of having to carry multiple laptops, or a large bulk of equipment for that matter.
Did following steps
a) Checked if Windows Firewall is allowing all AMX applications
b) Changed "IREditSetup.exe" compatibility mode to Windows XP Service Pack2
c) Changed "IREditSystemFiles.exe" compatability to Windows XP Service Pack 2
d) Installed the larger size "IREditSystemFiles.exe" file (36MB)
e) Then Installed "IREditSetup.exe"file (5.38MB)
Now it works fine.