Sub-page Preview
I'd like to simulate my current project with sub-pages & scrolling regions using G4 Panelpreview. These sub-pages have video fill and text showing up on pop-up pages. In TPD4, I can see the outline boxes with dotted fill in the sub-page view button. But when I run the project through G4, the areas are blank.
I have installed the latest version of TPD4 and can't see the scroll bars either.
Is there a setting I'm missing? Or are sub-pages not compatable with G4 Panelpreview yet?
I have installed the latest version of TPD4 and can't see the scroll bars either.
Is there a setting I'm missing? Or are sub-pages not compatable with G4 Panelpreview yet?
Sub-pages are brand-new and G4 Panelpreview is quite old. I think you may be out of luck. You'll have to test on a real panel.
I don't suppose there will be a way to drive page flips from code?
What exactly is the point of making a panel preview application that doesn't handle page flips in code? Every AMX programmer course I've been to teaches page flips in code, and most programmers I know agree that it's the best way to handle things.
I don't mean to be rude, but I'm just curious as to why you're spending time developing a product that has very little use if you program the way you teach people to program.
To test page flips from code on your desktop, you'll need to wait until TPControl releases a desktop version of their application.
PC solution and i think they had an unlimited bundle, any number of PC, iPads, iPhones, Droids for less than 4 TPC licenses so in allot of respects it seams to me that AMX is making itself obsolete since they're no longer competitive and i wouldn't call their products best in class anymore either to warrant the higher costs.
I believe the majority of folks do a combination, some flips in code and some flips via the panel and only newest dealers/programmers are likely to do all flips via the panels. Since i do both I've never found much use for the preview app and i honestly don't see why anyone would waste time updating a software that is almost useless to most dealers. Of all the things that need fixin' I think AMX could make better use of its resources.
I would encourage AMX to figure out a way to bind G4 Panel Preview to TPDesign4 so it cannot run independently of the IDE and to enable two-way communication between the simulated panel and a master controller. G4 Panel Preview is useless as-is.
I agree completely. I understand why G4PP doesn't do much useful right now, but it's actually frustrating to hear that AMX is investing time on something like this, especially when they're spending time on it while intentionally leaving out a feature that would make it useful.
G4PP is great for creating an unrealistically smooth expectation of how large animations and pop-up effects actually perform in a real Panel. (even the X series)
It is actually frustrating to hear that AMX is investing time on anything Touch Panel Related that isn’t G5
I think I saw a post that said TPC is working on Sub-Page implementation for one of the next releases too.
Does TPC emulate AMX touch panels? iRidium lets you load TP4 files built for AMX hardware and connect them to your master.
No, I mean does it emulate an actual type of hardware TP? I use iRidium as a productivity tool. I load TP files for hardware panels and it'll let me run several on the desktop simultaneously. That way I can test my program with all my TP files running without having to have several actual TPs in front of me.