M1 Apple Silicon and VST3 support

Hi. Any news at Lexicon for M1 native and VST3 support. VST2 is discontinued, and you can not use it any more in M1 native Cubase? Thanks
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Hi. Any news at Lexicon for M1 native and VST3 support. VST2 is discontinued, and you can not use it any more in M1 native Cubase? Thanks
We will be adding VST3 and further support for M1 in the newer versions to be released for the plugins yes.
Hello EElde, do you have any news about updates 2 months later ?
Nothing to impart as of now. Will do so when there is some updates.
But M1 has been out for a while and I’m addicted to the PCM reverbs.
Is there any way signing up more Beta testers would speed up the process?I’m sure a lot of people would be willing to join!
We will announce when we are looking for more beta testers or have a new version that is a public beta
is it OK to use rosetta on M1 computers?
same here - are the reverbs from native bundle working on m1 in rosetta mode?
It works here on mac studio M1 ultra .. but the finally solution is Apple Silicon native update. we all waiting for that . lexicon is very slow in support and I'm starting to doubt that there will ever be an update
In my unofficial home testing, I'm running Logic 10.7.5 on Monterey 12.6 on a Mac Studio, all the PCM Native Bundle seem to validate and work fine WITHOUT Rosetta except "LexChamber". If you need/use that one, which is really sweet BTW, you need to run Logic in Rosetta mode. I haven't tried to upgrade Mac OS yet so interested to hear from any that may have done so already. (EDIT, these are in my VST folder not VST3)
Logic is running in M1 native mode , but intel plugins use rosetta as well . Logic and i think Studio one can load intel plugins in native mode but its unstable . All other daws like Cubase, Nuendo can not !
We will have an update with native silicon support at some point in the following year (hopefully early on). It is guaranteed there will be an update. We will announce beta testing ASAP and release a public beta ASAP, I will announce it here.
For now Rosetta is still needed to run the plugins with M1 Macs.
Thanks for the update @HARMAN_EElde ! That's great news!
You're welcome! We are also working on Machine based authentication as well so no more USB iLok which will be welcome to many I assume!
Sooo welcome! For me, the PCM bundle plugins are currently the only iLok plugins I'm using that require dongle authentication. I'm stoked you guys are doing this!
And also stoked about native Apple Silicon support!
Same here as it is the only plugin I have left on the dongle as well! Ready to move on with it as well!
Will there be a GUI update too?
Its 2022 and most of us use 2K or 4K screens?
VST3 allows for resizing.
AU as well I hope!
Looking forward to the native M1 update.
Harman, can you at the same time allow ilok machine activation so we don't have to use the usb ilok dongle?
We are going to have Machine authentication available yes!
Pro Tools is now M1 Native….
Any updates on this?
No timetable updates. I will announce any news regarding beta releases, new version updates news here when I get that information
ProTools 2023 update loads into Silicon Mode by default yes, but you can still run ProTools in Rosetta mode.
Any update on AAX M1 native?
Silicon native versions of the plugins (AAX/AU/VST2/3) will be available in the next update
Definitely looking forward to this. BTW, I had to create another user account. For some strange reason I was not getting the confirmation emails at my other email address. It was not in my spam folder or anything. I'd almost rather use the other account but I could not get it approved.
Shoot me a DM with your other account details and I'll see what we can figure out.
> Shoot me a DM with your other account details and I'll see what we can figure out.
I’m in now!! Thanks so much!!
Awesome! You're welcome
Allright, can we please have native M1 plugins and local iLok support ?
I think we've waited long enough...
As I have stated previously these features will be in the next update, still no ETA. I will definitely announce something when I have information. Wish it was sooner than later, but I do not have that info yet.