I have a couple of UI16's and love them. One however due to a user changing all the WIFI and admin passwords I require a Full Reset but can't get it do perform. I have tried a USB with an empty text file called fullreset.txt. USB was inserted, reset button held in, unit powered on and reset button held for 10 seconds. Unit allowed to boot up, unit then powered off for 15 seconds then turned back on. NO reset performed.
Any help would be great.
I have same problem with ui12
The reset procedure is not well documented, so it gets complicated.
The procedure is:
That's the key step. I have just verified it on mine.
I have done what you said but still there is no fullreset. I got a problem after the updates and trying to get back to factory settings.
fullreset.txt does not clear/reset passwords. You need to do similar procedure but use masterpass.txt
after two days of doing all the above...no luck...besides using a hammer, what else is left to try?
You need to provide more info:
no password is working to adjust levels for aux channels.
tried changing master password as described, no luck
tried reset with pushing button only, holding 10 seconds while firing up...nothing
did the usb drive with fullreset.txt; then tried with masterpass.txt...nothing
usb is working, exported shows to it
held reset in past 15 seconds, etc...nothing
thank you!!!! finally, got it!!!
Ha! Great to hear... Thanks for reporting back in.
I want to Factory reset my Ui24. I want it to be just like it was when I first took it out of the box. How do I do that?
From the manual... (this does not clear passwords)
Full Reset
This method removes all updates you may have performed on the mixer and returns the unit to its
default factory shipping firmware and state. All settings, snapshots, users, profiles and shows will be lost.
Please ensure you have saved/backed up any shows before resetting your Ui.
1) Create a test file named fullreset.txt (no contents necessary) and copy to a USB stick
2) Insert the USB stick into one of the Ui’s USB ports.
3) Use a slim, long object to hold the reset button down for approximately 10 seconds while you power on
the unit.
4) The Ui will recognise the fullreset.txt file on the USB stick and perform a full factory reset.
5) You must power cycle the unit and reconnect the client device. Power off for at least 10-15 seconds before powering back on.
Note: A flick of the power off/on will almost always fail to boot properly, and can get stuck (with continuous
flashing blue Wi-Fi LED). Make sure to power off, wait 10-15 seconds, then power on. The blue Wi-Fi LED
will pulse/flash for around 10-15 seconds then remain on.
Resetea todo lo que hay en souncraf excepto la actualización.
what was it that finally solved it?
Do I need to do a firmware update before I can reset the master password? I have tried the method described above 15 or more times with no luck.
In case anyone was paying attention at all…I finally got it to work. Not sure how. Tried for a few days. On my last and successful attempt, I made sure the file said fullreset.txt.
Powered the unit off, waited 15 seconds, said a little prayer, inserted the drive, held down reset switch, powered on the unit while continuing to hold down reset, waited until Wi-Fi light was solid blue (about 25 seconds!), let go of reset, powered unit off, kept the usb stick in the drive and waited another 15 seconds or so, powered the unit on with the stick still in, and voila.
Weird part is this: it didn’t do a full reset, it only reset the master password. Which was what I wanted anyway. Good luck, folks.
Found the problem!!
Nobody here told that the file in the usb drive is to be named: fullreset and not fullreset.txt
if you create a file with notes or other applications it is be named fullreset.txt.txt and ui16 doesn't recognize it!!
Did you have to reinstall up dates
So this reset bug is making me curse a lot. Why does the manual specifically say fullreset.txt? About a year ago I went through this same stupidness. Following the manual and it didn't work. over and over I tried to make it work. Then spent several hours finding the REAL answer here on the forum. And I forgot it happened and today went through the whole damn mess all over again.. Thanks Soundcraft.
As far as the networking loop one can get caught in, screw that. I installed a dedicated monitor, mouse and keyboard. Best move i ever made with this piece, which I love very much I might add.
If anyone is still having these issues I thought I ought to contribute. I followed these steps by DBsound above:
"Powered the unit off, waited 15 seconds, said a little prayer, inserted the drive, held down reset switch, powered on the unit while continuing to hold down reset, waited until Wi-Fi light was solid blue (about 25 seconds!), let go of reset, powered unit off, kept the usb stick in the drive and waited another 15 seconds or so, powered the unit on with the stick still in, and voila."
In fairness, I've followed these steps a dozen times unsuccessfully before but wasn't really paying attention to the wifi light.
The only other change I made, was unpacking the zip folder so that fullreset.txt file was the only file on the USB (something the manual specifically mentioned not to do - so.many.facepalms!)
What a mess! Good luck!
Quick note. Just bought a previously owned Ui16 and wanted to start over from scratch with it. It was password protected from the previous owner and I couldn't reconfigure it as it was.
When creating your ".txt" file DO NOT name it "fullreset.txt".! Name the empty txt file simply "fullreset". The".txt" identifier will be added automatically by your computer when creating the document.! LOL! Same goes for "masterpass.txt". Simply name the empty text document "masterpass". Otherwise you end up with a file named "fullreset.txt.txt". It will not work. I made that simple mistake before realizing what I had done. Maybe some of you have made the same mistake.? Cheers!