Soundcraft Signature 22 mtk USB problem... PLEASE HELP!
Signature 22MT US Mixing System Model: 5049563 S/N: 616120DS
Hello, the information above is my mixing console that I need help with. My Soundcraft Signature 22 mtk started acting funny for the first time today. When the USB is connected to my Macbook Pro, something is not acting right within the Lexicon FX and the two FX Returns. When raising the volume of the FX Returns channels the console starts making a constant pop noise continuously every second, like a heart beating, and when I press either one of the PFL buttons ONLY on the FX Return Channels the meter display bounces, hot, up & down with this weird pulsating sound. When I release the PFL buttons the meter stops bouncing though the pulsating sound is still heard. In addition, while this problem is occurring, I’m unable to select any FX from the Lexicon processor, its frozen, and my MacBook Pro is not recognizing the Signature 22 anymore as well. Now, when I disconnect the USB from the mixing console everything seems to go back to normal and I can select FX and the pulsating sound is gone. Once I plug the USB back in exact same issue. I’ve tried restarting, unplugging everything and restarting, rebooting, trying different usb ports on my MAC, different USB cables, etc, even a parameter reset on my MAC. Still same problem. Can you please help ? Thank You, Donny
I started having a similar problem yesterday, though I have not had the time to do much troubleshooting yet.
The console was turned on and so was the PC (for at least two days), then suddenly: Every three or four seconds I get a loud POP. I thought it was the PC (Win10) sending garbage through the USB.
Restarted the PC, and the console; it is the same.
Unplugging the USB cable makes it stop immediateley, but as soon as the USB cable is plugged in, POP!
It is not coming from Windows because it happens when the computer is showing the "HP Surestart", long before Windows is even loaded. I tried the other USB ports on the PC and it is the same.
Anyone else have this problem?
Any way to fix it?
I will post anything new after I do more troubleshooting.
Signature 22MTK
Same problem here. Lout pops from FX return channel. And my mac can't see this mixer as Interface anymore. Also headphones signal sometimes changing from stereo to mono.. No idea what to do. Seems like electronics in this fella is weakest part. Just can't use it any more. Maybe someday Soundcraft realise that they need to release firmware updates from time to time for their products
Did anyone solve that issue meanwhile? I have the same problem here for a couple of days now. Sometimes I am getting it to run after a couple of minutes. On other days it just does not work forever. I love that desk and my whole studio is dependent on that console. I have the pops, the FX are not selectable and the the Mixer does not appear in the Audio/MIDI setup. It's not a MAC issue. I have the same problem when running bootcamp and windows 7.
In windows you can see that the device manager updates the devices view with each second pop. So the desk fails to init on a USB request I would think. That maybe results in FX init as well as the sample rate jumps between internal and external control. (just an idea)
BTW.: I am the guy who did one of the most popular Soundcraft Signature MTK videos on youtube. I really love the console and are looking forward to get it to run again.
Anyone know anything about getting these repaired/serviced?
I've got exactly the same problem with my 12 MTK, I contacted Harman tech support with this message and they actually managed to get back pretty quickly about repairs, although I'm considering buying another console with some more inputs. I hope to repair my MTK sometime soon by myself or get some hints on what I can do to fix it.
What I sent to support:
"My Soundcraft Signature MTK 12 was working perfectly fine until around 4 months ago when it would disconnect from my computer when it started. I managed to quickly fix it by unplugging the mixer and plugging it back in when my PC was off, then it seemed to work again when my PC was turned on. I found that switching off my MTK at night was the cause, so I reluctantly kept it on overnight and I've had no problems for a while now.
Until recently, the mixer started doing it again! Nothing seems to work in getting the interface to respond. The mixer portion still works fine, the only problem is that it won't connect to my PC via USB anymore. In my headphones, I can hear a clicking noise when the USB cable is connected and on the driver software I can see it connect and then disconnect, and then connect, and disconnect - over and over.
When plugged in via USB the effects selection disappears and I can't select anything. If I'm doing it from a cold boot on my computer, the effects section will flash all whilst clicking through the outputs. When the USB cable is unplugged everything will go back to normal and I can select effects again.
Things I have tried:
Three different USB cables
Many different USB ports
Two other computers
Several different plug sockets
A different power cable
Uninstalling and reinstalling the drivers
Nothing works. The problem still persists. I've googled the problem and people have reported the exact same problem on their mixers around the same time. "
I'm just really curious as to why so many units are experiencing the exact same problem at around the exact same time! It doesn't seem to matter if it's on Windows or Mac, something internally (I believe) has failed at the same time as everyone else's.
Hi, I am having the same problem. Has anyone got a fix? What is the reason for having this forum if no one answers with a fix. I am in contact with a Harmon tech and have an email address. I am going to try a couple of things tonight and if does not work I am to send pictures with the problem. After speaking with him today the clicking sound is the clock source and that it that the sample rate and KHZ should match.
I contacted AUDIO PRO HEILBRONN Elektroakustik GmbH in Germany. That is the German Distributor of Soundcraft! They were very helpful and offered a very nice solution of this problem. I recommend contacting your local Distributor or the Dealer, were you bought the desk from. Make sure, to have the Serial Number in sight when contacting them. The Serial number can be found at the backside of the desk.
It seems like, that a small quantity of units have a power supply failure. But shit happens. It can be solved and I am a happy user of that desk again.
Another one here with the same issue.... Is this a plague ? No one from Soundcraft to address this? I contacted my local distributor, I hope they can do the repair.
Stuck in the middle of a projet
I Just was experiencing the same Issue after a year of use with the MTK signature 22, all of a sudden my macbook pro would not recognize the unit. I have a expensive $50 USB cable as well. I had a brand new still in the package USB cable from one of my printers that I thought I would try it and boom it instantly recognizes the SoundCraft MTK Signature 22. Im wondering if powering on and off may take a toll on these cables. Will see how long this one last
No, your issue is not the same as the one described in this topic. Changing the cable does not fix it.
In my case, for those who wants to know, I have the unit repaired and they had to change a broken capacitor.
Franky, How much did the repair cost?? The symptoms with my unit are identical.
Same problem here. Any details on the repair?
Day before yesterday my mtk12 just got this problem. Poping sound every second and the driver (Linux) doesn't recognize anything on that USB-port. It's been working flawlessly for 4 years. Any official comments from Harman? I did my fault isolation and came to the conclusion that this sounds like charge and discharge of a capacitor. I'd like to (officially) know which capacitor I should replace. After some research on the net I found Gearslutz and it's not exactly the same problem but I take it that it's in the same ballpark. So, to summarize: C111 and C113 (both 25V and 100uF) changed and everything works again.
HeyHey! Just an update to this issue. Sorry I should've posted a year back.
My MTK22 USB was powercycling up and down, popping and clicking. The FX panel was flickering on and off when USB was plugged in. Sometimes this would stabilise after 20mins or so but the analogue console stays beautifully alive, suggesting it's just a digital power issue.
I actually had this issue on a previous digital/analogue items - the click of death!
I called Harman to ask how much a new power supply would be and they were happy to supply.
To solve:
Simply look at the easily accessible power supply. Taking all the usual precautions, you'll need to unplug and remove it completely for the work.
There's one ribbon cable to detach. Have a look at 112 and 113 capacitors - bets are they'll have expanded a little and the top won't be the usual flat top but it'll be a bump. Replace the two 25v/100uF capacitors, making sure that you line up the correct polarity. It should take less than an hour and you're good!
So did you actually buy the power supply or just replace the caps?
In the same boat, although my caps don't look bulged at all.
> @bengan said:
> Day before yesterday my mtk12 just got this problem. Poping sound every second and the driver (Linux) doesn't recognize anything on that USB-port. It's been working flawlessly for 4 years. Any official comments from Harman? I did my fault isolation and came to the conclusion that this sounds like charge and discharge of a capacitor. I'd like to (officially) know which capacitor I should replace. After some research on the net I found Gearslutz
> and it's not exactly the same problem but I take it that it's in the same ballpark. So, to summarize: C111 and C113 (both 25V and 100uF) changed and everything works again.
Soundcraft Sginature 22MTK
Change (or have them changed) both capacitors and your system will function once again.
I replaced them (C111 and C113 iI believe) with 100uF 50V just incase the blew from getting more than 25V.
I have a photo but can not seem to upload it here...
If needed, post back with your email asking for the photo and I shall send it to you.
Two capacitors will cost you less than one dollar.
What’s the process to open the mixer and replace the PSU? I’ve been quoted $150 to get a replacement from the local distributor
This problem has now happened to my Sig22MT. Bought in April of 2019 from Sweetwater. Still under Sweetwater's Total Confidence Coverage warranty period so I am only out shipping of $60 back to them for repair at this point, so have decided to let them handle it. I love the board and it has completely changed my way of working in a hybrid manner.
If you guys are interested in some picture of ''THE FIX'' i just replaced both C111 andc113 capacitor and it fixed everything!
only took me half an hour!
update on my post above -- waiting on a circuit board with a backorder to 12/07/20. I probably should have tried the fix described here in hindsight. I love the board -- was working with it over my neve and api preamps and itb --, but the down time -- which is currently looking like 3 months for repair -- is not good.
> If you guys are interested in some picture of ''THE FIX'' i just replaced both C111 andc113 capacitor and it fixed everything! :) only took me half an hour!
Man thank you for this!
I am in Milan/Italy and who knows how long I would have to wait to fix my mtk. I did as you wrote and everything is working again. Thanks!
So I almost made a big mistake, hopefully others will see this to prevent from unnecessarily opening up the mixer and soldering. Not saying those above didn’t have a valid issue, but I am saying there might be a very simple fix, which totally worked for me.
Here goes:
I was hearing pops and clicks only when playing back via USB. Normal analog monitoring from inputs direct to outputs did not have any issues...
I tried adjusting buffer size of my DAW, samplerate - didn’t fix the issue.
Turns out, a USB hub, connected to a separate port on my computer than the one used by the 22 MTK - was the culprit. Now that it’s removed, playback is perfect. Everything is perfect.
If a USB hub is under powered, it might act strange - especially with audio. Adding an optional power supply when available might help. Otherwise, try to get rid of it entirely. Could save you a lot of time.
Hope this helps.
I literally bought a soldering iron and was about to find some capacitors to replace.... probably would have ruined a perfectly good mixer in the process.
Anyway, good luck and all the best 👍
hello everyone
i need service manual signature-22 please share
problem in 13ch destoted sound
Starting last week after a Windows 10 update, I am now having the identical 1-second click problem with the FX unit on a Signature 12 MTK, but in addition, I also have the problem that the USB connection is not recognized by the system. The unit works OK for analog, except for the clicking. The USB cable works fine for other devices.
Both problems happened at the same time and it does it on two different computers, one 64-bit and one 32-bit. Disabling driver signature enforcement and reinstalling the drivers did not work. I sent a message to tech support.
It seems like the clicking and the usb nonrecognition must be related, but I find it hard to see how a couple capacitors are going to fix a digital handshaking problem. Any thoughts?
I've had my 22MTK for about a year and a half. It's powered on 24/7, and I've never had a problem with it. Today I went to open my DAW and realized that I no longer had any audio devices showing. Worse, Windows wasn't even able to start the Audio Driver. Looking at the device manager, I could see that something was connecting and disconnecting rapidly - but it was happening too fast to figure out what. I unplugged the 22MTK from USB, and it fixed the problem with Windows.
At that point, looking at the mixer, I realized that the phantom power was turned on. I have always been paranoid about the power supply issues on this mixer from reading about others' problems with it, so I only turn the phantom power on when I actually need it. This time, it had been on, powering a connected microphone - for about two weeks or so.
Figuring it was the PSU issue with the electrolytics talked about here, I took my 22MTK apart and pulled the PSU. Neither of the capacitors were bulging:
I desoldered the two capacitors and measured them. They are 100uF capacitors. One of them measured 71uF, the other one measured 39uF. Not good.
I had on hand some 100uF, 35v electrolytics, so I soldered them in place. Put it all back together, powered up, and it's good as new.
I'm pretty disappointed in Soundcraft that there is clearly a design issue with the PSU that has been going on for YEARS, and yet they have not addressed it. I bought my 22MTK brand new in March of 2020.
Hey guys,
I solved the problem and it could not have been easier.
When listening to music played from my old 27“ iMac through the Soundcraft desk via headphone Amp, the music started to get more and more distorted and poppy until it became unlistenable. But it only occurred when I played on my fully mixed drum kit at the same time. There had never been such problem before when using my older and smaller 24“ iMac. The distortion problem only occurred as from Saturday, when I put up a newer and bigger 27" iMac.
So it seemed the problem was that all of my devices (27“ iMac from 2010, headphone amp AND the Soundcraft desk) were plugged into ONE multi socket.
Above I read about people having taken the desk apart for replacing capacitors and my capacitors might have suffered too, but someone else said he solved the problem by just putting devices in different sockets.
So did I. And voila: the problem disappeared. So I assume the problem was having had too many devices in only one multi socket so there was some kind of overload for the desk and it couldn’t work properly anymore.
I really do hope that it keeps that way and not having to take it to the customer service.
Hope this helped.