I have my pool panel set up on IPAD (goodbye MVP 8400i), i have remote set up on my IPAD (goodbye LAPTOP at the pool) and i can operate my Itunes at my pool through my 6 pool speakers (goodbye flaky ESCIENT mp3's)..
Its a bit cumbersome to go from TP Transfer to Remote but its working GREAT
Its a bit cumbersome to go from TP Transfer to Remote but its working GREAT
I'm not saying it's needed, I'm just saying it'd be nice to have. Ethernet is almost a must when it's in-wall because the signals get blocked.
Nerieru mind you.
I know what a iPad is. I'm asking if there's someone who made a docking station, much like they do for iPods/iPhones. If you know what walls can do to wifi then you would know why I asked in the first place.
There is no PLACE for ETHERNET in MVP..(nor in its docking stations) and if you paid any attention to the thread it was about replacing my MVP..no ETHERNET involved ONLY wifi..
Ok im done you are rude and uneducated and NO I dont care to learn to spell your NAME...MIND YOU...how obnoxious
Nerieru gets a C in getting his point across
true gets an F in jokes
Im not a professional so the B+ is a good grade...
I think the joke deserves an A++
Always with the sarcasm.
I'm just asking you a question
My point wasn't about the MVP, as I'm not trying to compare the two.
I was in no way trying to be rude. I'm asking you a question, whether you have it docked or not, if there even is a dock for it and if there is. Does it have an ethernet connection.
What is rude however, is not getting someone's name right and then saying you don't care. Calling someone uneducated isn't exactly nice either.
Now easy tiger
I think it's nice that you replaced an old 8400i with an iPad. And I hope for you that you will get iPhone OS4 soon so that you don't have to wait for it to connect every time.
Hmmm, will this work?
You could always add an Access point connected to an Ethernet cable directly behind this dock.
Just a thought. : )
Sonance plans an in-wall iPad dock with connections for control and AV similar to their iPod dock. It doesn't look like wired ethernet is contemplated.
Others will inevitably follow from other manufacturers.
Sonance says their patents on their dock for the iPod extend to all media devices and everyone making an in-wall dock for anything electronic will have to pay them. Sounds wildly overreaching to me, we'll see.
I remember reading somewhere about a company making a wall mount for it which allows you to still access the buttons from the front somehow. I will see if I can find it.
As for as a table top dock, the iPad stand works pretty well. However it doesn't work if you have any case on it, even the apple one which is disappointing. It does pass the dock connector to the back so it charges while on it. You just also should make the designs for a vertical format since it stands upright. I am sure more will come about over the next year.. Its still a fairly new product.
Thank you so much for saying that..whew..you put into a few words whiat ive been trying to explain. Very succinct and precise.
He didn't say it did, he simply asked a question. A simple No it doesn't would have worked fine. No need to cause a scene.
If everyone knows what an iPad is, how come you're asking me if I know? (btw I have one myself)
I wasn't asking for ethernet on the iPad I was asking for ethernet on the docking station. (like svTech or something similar).
My question was if you applied this or not, here in europe we generally have concrete walls, and sometimes armored walls. In those cases wifi just simply can't get through it and that's when we apply solutions like a dock with built-in wifi, or add wifi by connecting an access point behind the dock.
The scene started far before the 'mind you'. It is rather rude to misspel someones name when you could simply scroll down a bit or copy & paste it.
For reasons not obvious to me you're taking offense because of the question I asked.
Now I hope this issue doesn't prolong itself here any longer and that we can leave it behind us, as I know I will.
along with
will give more sense to Nerieru's question. When all the control system manufacturers have the "iPad integration" flashing on their main page, and when this causes rethinking of their production lineup, I have to say it is only reasonable to expect more and more peripherals coming in the future that will tap onto the iPad and will still generate revenue.
Well done Savant!
(Probably this should be split into onother post as Clingpeach recommended, maybe iPad/iPhone integration accessories).
Hmmm, so we should all become Savant dealers but only buy their accessories, then buy the iPADs and just use them with an AMX infrastructure and then if AMX should continue on it's wayward path we'll already be set up as a Savant dealers and we can then easily migrate over to selling their complete line of products. Sounds like a plan!
But seriously they're on the right path and those things are cool!
I don't think that's possible ... pretty sure it's all or nothing with Savant. I could be wrong, but I think it's a closed system.
The wall dock is sweet, with a magnetic cover that makes the iPad look permanently built in. Anyone know what they charge for that unit? I doubt non-Savant dealers will get to buy it directly anyway.
I am quite sure that the iPod removal will be detected by a microswitch/contact closure. In the specs document an additional CAT5 is mentioned as required for using this feature.
On the grapevine, the price is said to be $350.
However, judging on the abundance of iPod/iPhone accessories coming from everywhere and available everywhere, it will be probably just a matter of time until somebody will mass produce something like this for a fraction of the price and sell it at 7/11.
The 2000T model will be for the ipad, however it is not listed on their site..
Info from:
I see both "TPControl" and "IRidium". Does TPControl need additional server software?