Speakers: I never knew that you could have a custom "1 off" speaker built. What did that cost you? What do you have available to choose from? Is it an issue of basket depth, voice coil dia, power rating, magnet, surround, cone material that are just "shelf" items or do they actually "custom" build any of these?
Absolutely,...These (two of them) were custom built "samples"... They were mounted in normal Die-cast aluminum baskets, have 4-inch coils and 200oz mags... They were built with specific T/S parameters in mind that "should" produce a very favorable result in this cab...
This driver will be named 235243473... If you figure it out...PM me and please don't post it...
Hey Kevin,
I finally did your power strip test to check my amp turn on in-rush. Nothing. I even powered up both amps at the same time while plugged into the 15 amp walmart special. Still nothing. May have been a weird coincidence with over worked 15 amp panel breakers in 2 locations.
Excellent!!! I'm very happy for you... I bet that's a big load off your shoulders... Now you can do your next gig without that hanging in the back of your mind...:D
Geez guys.. you'd think I never come around...I'm here at least every couple days...but you guys are doing such a bangup job I just read and make sure it's all tied up in a neat little package and that the bow is strait..
Nice driver Kev...you building the cab yourself? got one done? how heavy are they gonna be.. us old farts you know :?
I have read both your contributions and they are very good...I have been waiting for Connie to get back to me about the \"read me first\" / read before you post...info section and we'll tie it all together and put together a few scenario's and such. A lot of the details are in the system used/application too so I suspect we'll have to do a \"if your a DJ\" /// If you do live sound..do this.. It's also going to depend on wether or not you run your own system as to how much you want to protect if from wondering fingers...
Hey Dra.. I know kevin pretty well but know little or nothing about you? Perhaps a little \"Hi I'm so-and and I live .. and I test lollypops for a living sort of thing is in order...Maybe even a picture... :roll: Well I gotta fly.. may a mile before I sleep and all...
Be well everyone!
Nice driver Kev...you building the cab yourself? got one done? how heavy are they gonna be.. us old farts you know :?
Hi Gary,
I finalized some details with EM today and they are going to build me four more samples... I plan to order enough Baltic birch tomorrow to build the first four bins... The plans have been re-drawn on AutoCAD with imperial measurements and I'm going to have a local professional woodworker build the first four... They will be covered with black Line-X Spray-On Coating... I estimate the weight to be around 45LBs...
I have been waiting for Connie to get back to me about the "read me first" / read before you post...info section and we'll tie it all together and put together a few scenario's and such. A lot of the details are in the system used/application too so I suspect we'll have to do a "if your a DJ" /// If you do live sound..do this.. It's also going to depend on wether or not you run your own system as to how much you want to protect if from wondering fingers...
Looks like admin just added a FAQs catagory on the "Forum Home" page...:)
Procedure: Assuming that you are going to keep the Word format, I would try to tweek it to sqweeze it to 2 pages. Maybe widening the margins a bit is all it would take.
Dra,... As suggested I modified the "Gain Structure" document to fit 2 pages...:)
Ya but Connie forgot to open it up to the moderators so no one can get in yet...... we moderators will be the only ones that can post to it but send me the stuff you think should get included and I'll \"geter done\" as soon as I get access and can come up for air...
I read the introductory post in the FAQs category... This thread will be a TREMENDOUS RESOURCE to those unfamiliar with digital sound processors or even sound reinforcement!… Excellent work guys!...
In regards to feedback elimination:...I realize it's the preferred method to ring-out the system by cranking up the gain, roaming with the mics, using AFS to identify, and PEQs to destroy... BUT,...for an one time live gig scenario couldn't you just use the AFS and set the fixed filters to zero so all twelve filters are live?... What harm would it do?...:?:
But I guess that would work fine... but if you clear all the filters first.. all the filters are live and the first 6 will catch and hold and the other 6 will roam...
Why would you need to clear all of the filters first?... If all of the filters have been cleared...will all of them start-off in the roaming mode?... Would there still be any differences between the first six and the last six filters?... Also if the filter lift is set for five seconds and all of the filters are live...would the filter lift apply to all twelve filters?...:?:
If you start out with all filters cleared there is no difference in them at all. Understand though that if you have all 12 filters roaming and you have recurring ones that never catch they will set over and over... What I was proposing is, in each new room your going to have different trouble spots, so it's necessary to \"ring\" out the room. leave the first 6 filters fixed. Then after you have set everything up, (this assumes a properly flat response system with few \"hot\" frequencies)( note also that speakers can sound totally different when pushed HARD as I said in one other post if you need to run STUPID LOUD you need to set the system up for that eventuality...) got all the mics up, running and sounding like you want them.. and the monitor rig on and up to snuff...start with the 6 fixed filters..raise the gain of the system (master faders) ...well above expected concert volume... and allow the first filter to set..then the second...IF, you find that you are stupidly loud (well figuratively speaking of course since this process is \"mostly\" silent) and no more than two or three filters fix.. so be it.. no need to push it any further.If something comes up during the performance that sets up an excitation in the room and the filters catch it.. then that frequency is also \"set\" and so on...
Those of you lucky enough to have the 260 or 4800 can also monitor the feedback screen during the performance and get a good idea where the potential hot spots and and pull up a notch filter if its a narrow hit, or a PEQ for a variable width filter or even a GEQ fader for a quick \"carpet bombing\" fix .
Keeping the hold time low prevents those guitar squeals, held notes and such that are performance related from becoming a more \"permanent\" fixture on the landscape.
I like to set up my GUI with the GEQ in the upper left hand corner of the screen, the FBX unit on the upper left, the central processor screen with meters butted up against the left of the screen in the middle, the RTA in the lower left hand corner under the GEQ for quick reference to the GEQ...and the limiters in the lower right hand corner.. L M H...That way I have a visual reference of the systems operation at a glance.. and makes tweeks a snap! 8)
perhaps Kevin, you being our resident visual wizard, you could put up a picture of this..? So others could see what I mean...
So... I guess I don't see what you expect to accomplish with leaving all the filters live.. that this method wouldn't do better.
Thank you very much for the AFS 101 lesson!... After reading your reply I definately understand the AFS process much better... I always copy your lessons to Word documents for future reference...:D
I like to set up my GUI with the GEQ in the upper left hand corner of the screen, the FBX unit on the upper left, the central processor screen with meters butted up against the left of the screen in the middle, the RTA in the lower left hand corner under the GEQ for quick reference to the GEQ...and the limiters in the lower right hand corner.. L M H...That way I have a visual reference of the systems operation at a glance.. and makes tweeks a snap! 8)
perhaps Kevin, you being our resident visual wizard, you could put up a picture of this..? So others could see what I mean...
Gary,...is this how you set-up?... It works very well!... If you click on any of the windows and they pop to the foreground...8)
Pretty much..swap the RTA and system screens so you can get at the controls for the limiters... move the GEQ to the left and the FBX unit to the right a bit.. no need to see the edges... that way you can see and control all the modules.. you can then call up the PEQ's, crossovers.. etc.
Nope, just a good 19\" gateway LCD here and an old 17\" CRT at the venue... Nothing special... just a 1.5 ghz PIII here and at the venue... Don't even have a laptop...
Oh.. ya... Right click on the blank screen and select properties then settings... and reset the resolution of the monitor...I use 1024x768...
Kevin you think your area is depressed!...The economy is so bad here the depression years would be something to look forward too Kinda sux but this world has turned so unfriendly hasn't it?
We are totally covered-up with work... After 6-months of no work,...all the sudden we have more work than we ever had at one time... We have been working 10 hour days and Saturdays just to keep our heads above water... I know this may sound corny but I truly believe that the Lord is blessing my company for the work we did at the church... I hope you guys are doing well… I’ll be back once things calm down a little…
Dra,...I certainly hope so!!!... I just made an offer (literally 10 minutes ago) on an 1 acre property with two metal buildings!... The mortgage payment will be somewhere around $100.00 - $200.00 more than our rent... Hope things keep on going the way they are...:)
Delima: I stopped by the youth center this evening to pick-up my youngest son (a drummer) and one of the kids asked me if I would remove the locks from the amp rack so he could have access to the DriveRack... He's 18 years old and usually runs the sound board... I quit messing with the sound system several months ago because it belongs to the youth center and I wanted the kids to take complete ownership... On the other hand I see no reason for the DriveRack or the amps to ever be touched or tampered with...:twisted:
The kids don't own anything. I would talk directly to the head paster / board and explain to them the situation. They invested a lot of money in the system. Let THEM make the discision. If they agree on full access, tell them that for you to reset the system, you'll have to charge them as you would a service call (BIG $). Do you vae a copy of the current config and set-up?
Are they using a laptop? If they are, setup the security system. By the way, who currently has keys?
First reaction.. ABSOLUTELY NOT!! Second reaction now way..What does he want to do? Is he second guessing you or wanting to get MORE out of the system? I wouldn't even consider granting full access unless I was there to supervise the activities. With the multi level security system you could allow access to the GEQ and nothing else... but I'd have to have a REALLY good reason for why they want access. Wanna bet it's MORE LOW END? Perhaps a class or two in sound system basics, then if you get a core group of good dedicated kids a more in depth look at system tuning and the DR..
At the very least some deep probing questions need to be answered. I certainly would not hand over the \"keys to the asylum\"!
Dra,...I am the only person that has the keys...:twisted: I have not pass-worded the system because when I tried it I was having some sort of difficulty and it was very late that evening and I was ready to get home... He told me that he wanted to set-up a unique program for each of the bands... When he asked me for access I immediately went on the defensive,... and I told him that there is nothing in the DriveRack that should be changed... I may have been a little too gruff with him but I just didn't want to take the time to explain all of my reasoning... My second reaction (which I didn't speak) was \"OK...and if you screw it up don't be looking for me\"...:x
I guess I should take the time and show him exactly what the DriveRack is used for and how much time was invested in tuning the system... Gary,...there is no doubt in my mind that the first thing he will try to do is get more low end... He's also the bass player for one of the praise teams...
It's just that my time has been so limited lately...:?
Absolutely,...These (two of them) were custom built "samples"... They were mounted in normal Die-cast aluminum baskets, have 4-inch coils and 200oz mags... They were built with specific T/S parameters in mind that "should" produce a very favorable result in this cab...
This driver will be named 235243473... If you figure it out...PM me and please don't post it...
I agree!... Now if we can only get him to "pull away" from his new hobby...:roll:
PS. I may be out until tomorrow evening... I think we're going camping...
I finally did your power strip test to check my amp turn on in-rush. Nothing. I even powered up both amps at the same time while plugged into the 15 amp walmart special. Still nothing. May have been a weird coincidence with over worked 15 amp panel breakers in 2 locations.
Did you try again with using the amps power switch?...
We shall see.
Nice driver Kev...you building the cab yourself? got one done? how heavy are they gonna be.. us old farts you know :?
I have read both your contributions and they are very good...I have been waiting for Connie to get back to me about the \"read me first\" / read before you post...info section and we'll tie it all together and put together a few scenario's and such. A lot of the details are in the system used/application too so I suspect we'll have to do a \"if your a DJ\" /// If you do live sound..do this.. It's also going to depend on wether or not you run your own system as to how much you want to protect if from wondering fingers...
Hey Dra.. I know kevin pretty well but know little or nothing about you? Perhaps a little \"Hi I'm so-and and I live .. and I test lollypops for a living
Be well everyone!
I finalized some details with EM today and they are going to build me four more samples... I plan to order enough Baltic birch tomorrow to build the first four bins... The plans have been re-drawn on AutoCAD with imperial measurements and I'm going to have a local professional woodworker build the first four... They will be covered with black Line-X Spray-On Coating... I estimate the weight to be around 45LBs...
Don't mind at all... We still have some notations, etc., to do... Once everything has been checked and finalized...I'll hook you up...:)
PS. You to Gary...
Looks like admin just added a FAQs catagory on the "Forum Home" page...:)
Dra,... As suggested I modified the "Gain Structure" document to fit 2 pages...:)
I read the introductory post in the FAQs category... This thread will be a TREMENDOUS RESOURCE to those unfamiliar with digital sound processors or even sound reinforcement!… Excellent work guys!...
In regards to feedback elimination:...I realize it's the preferred method to ring-out the system by cranking up the gain, roaming with the mics, using AFS to identify, and PEQs to destroy...
Why would you need to clear all of the filters first?... If all of the filters have been cleared...will all of them start-off in the roaming mode?... Would there still be any differences between the first six and the last six filters?... Also if the filter lift is set for five seconds and all of the filters are live...would the filter lift apply to all twelve filters?...:?:
Would you please explain the AFS mechanics?...:?
If you start out with all filters cleared there is no difference in them at all. Understand though that if you have all 12 filters roaming and you have recurring ones that never catch they will set over and over... What I was proposing is, in each new room your going to have different trouble spots, so it's necessary to \"ring\" out the room. leave the first 6 filters fixed. Then after you have set everything up, (this assumes a properly flat response system with few \"hot\" frequencies)( note also that speakers can sound totally different when pushed HARD as I said in one other post if you need to run STUPID LOUD you need to set the system up for that eventuality...) got all the mics up, running and sounding like you want them.. and the monitor rig on and up to snuff...start with the 6 fixed filters..raise the gain of the system (master faders) ...well above expected concert volume... and allow the first filter to set..then the second...IF, you find that you are stupidly loud (well figuratively speaking of course since this process is \"mostly\" silent) and no more than two or three filters fix.. so be it.. no need to push it any further.If something comes up during the performance that sets up an excitation in the room and the filters catch it.. then that frequency is also \"set\" and so on...
Those of you lucky enough to have the 260 or 4800 can also monitor the feedback screen during the performance and get a good idea where the potential hot spots and and pull up a notch filter if its a narrow hit, or a PEQ for a variable width filter or even a GEQ fader for a quick \"carpet bombing\" fix
Keeping the hold time low prevents those guitar squeals, held notes and such that are performance related from becoming a more \"permanent\" fixture on the landscape.
I like to set up my GUI with the GEQ in the upper left hand corner of the screen, the FBX unit on the upper left, the central processor screen with meters butted up against the left of the screen in the middle, the RTA in the lower left hand corner under the GEQ for quick reference to the GEQ...and the limiters in the lower right hand corner.. L M H...That way I have a visual reference of the systems operation at a glance.. and makes tweeks a snap! 8)
perhaps Kevin, you being our resident visual wizard, you could put up a picture of this..? So others could see what I mean...
So... I guess I don't see what you expect to accomplish with leaving all the filters live.. that this method wouldn't do better.
Thank you very much for the AFS 101 lesson!... After reading your reply I definately understand the AFS process much better... I always copy your lessons to Word documents for future reference...:D
Gary,...is this how you set-up?... It works very well!... If you click on any of the windows and they pop to the foreground...8)
My screen holds more though... not so cramped..
Nope, just a good 19\" gateway LCD here and an old 17\" CRT at the venue... Nothing special... just a 1.5 ghz PIII here and at the venue... Don't even have a laptop...
Oh.. ya... Right click on the blank screen and select properties then settings... and reset the resolution of the monitor...I use 1024x768...
Kevin you think your area is depressed!...The economy is so bad here the depression years would be something to look forward too
Oh well back to the salt mines...
We are totally covered-up with work... After 6-months of no work,...all the sudden we have more work than we ever had at one time... We have been working 10 hour days and Saturdays just to keep our heads above water... I know this may sound corny but I truly believe that the Lord is blessing my company for the work we did at the church... I hope you guys are doing well… I’ll be back once things calm down a little…
Your Pal,
Things were just starting to calm back down, but we just got slamed with a second wave of nice projects.... THANK YOU LORD!!!!...
Delima: I stopped by the youth center this evening to pick-up my youngest son (a drummer) and one of the kids asked me if I would remove the locks from the amp rack so he could have access to the DriveRack... He's 18 years old and usually runs the sound board... I quit messing with the sound system several months ago because it belongs to the youth center and I wanted the kids to take complete ownership... On the other hand I see no reason for the DriveRack or the amps to ever be touched or tampered with...:twisted:
Any advice???
Are they using a laptop? If they are, setup the security system. By the way, who currently has keys?
At the very least some deep probing questions need to be answered. I certainly would not hand over the \"keys to the asylum\"!
Dra,...I am the only person that has the keys...:twisted: I have not pass-worded the system because when I tried it I was having some sort of difficulty and it was very late that evening and I was ready to get home... He told me that he wanted to set-up a unique program for each of the bands... When he asked me for access I immediately went on the defensive,... and I told him that there is nothing in the DriveRack that should be changed... I may have been a little too gruff with him but I just didn't want to take the time to explain all of my reasoning... My second reaction (which I didn't speak) was \"OK...and if you screw it up don't be looking for me\"...:x
I guess I should take the time and show him exactly what the DriveRack is used for and how much time was invested in tuning the system... Gary,...there is no doubt in my mind that the first thing he will try to do is get more low end... He's also the bass player for one of the praise teams...
It's just that my time has been so limited lately...:?