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AMX iPhone app



  • jjamesjjames Posts: 2,908
    I couldn't agree more with John. What's that saying? "Good things aren't cheap. Cheap things aren't good."

    If someone is balking at the price of this - are they *truly* AMX client material? Wouldn't they be better off with an RTI, or URC system? Or even a Harmony remote?
  • JeffJeff Posts: 374
    Just to clarify, I"m not saying the $25 VNC solutions are what they want instead, I'm saying that people go on the iTunes store and see ********'s iPhone app for $99, and want to know why AMX's is $499.

  • John NagyJohn Nagy Posts: 1,745
    That does put a different light on your comments, thanks for explaining. I was presuming you were comparing other cheaper AMX solutions for the iPhone.

    I'm unaware of the functionality of the Crestra app. At a guess from what I've seen with XPANEL, the task of relatively full function is easier to attain, as there is less function to deliver.

    Do your customers demand to know why the Crestra switchers cost so much more than the AMX counterparts? Just sayin, when you cross brand lines, all sorts of things change.
  • viningvining Posts: 4,368
    If AMX isn't the primary cause for the higher than expected cost and the higher cost than all other iPhone/Pad solutions then why is there a cost difference between the iPhone and iPad license? Why should TPC care if they are truly the ones calling the shots since the software doesn't change.

    Is the TPS app worth the cost? Yes. Is it better than spending $4k on a panel? Yes but you're now paying over a 1/3 the TPs cost with out warranty from AMX so your're paying the premium with out receiving any of the benefits that paying that premium should afford you. It's a sweat deal for AMX and TPC but not so much for dealers or the end users.

    I'll use it when it suits but I don't see it as a real benefit to anyone but AMX and I would think TPC even feels the pitch from this partnership by what I would imagine to be lower than aticipated sales due to the higher than expected cost.

    How many dealers have gone out and bought a license for for demo and in house testing? How many dealers that were given the free license for that purpose have yet to go out and buy an iPad/Phone to make use of that license?

    In this economy you have to first get the product moving and then in time you can worry about making enough to retire on from that investment.

    So IMHO it is overpriced but it's priced just low enough so that I will use it when it makes sense and at this price point that's less that it would be otherwise. Now if I were calling shots in the AMX boadroom that's exactly what I would have tried to accomplish. Success!
  • a_riot42a_riot42 Posts: 1,624
    Programmers demanding lower prices for software? Isn't that like musicians demanding lower prices for music?
  • John NagyJohn Nagy Posts: 1,745
    You suggest AMX is to blame for a high price. I recall a web page unintentionally leftover from before the AMX deal, found by a poster here... that had $799 as the iPhone dealer price (the iPad wasn't even out yet). Seems it has gone down twice now.

    You suggest that because they are "the same" the iPad version shouldn't cost more. I suggest that the the iPhone version has been downpriced because of its relative lesser utility. Adjusting prices for market reasons is done every day. Remember Pentiums and Celerons? The Celerons were pentiums that had the coprocessor deliberately burned out or disconnected so they could sell them cheaper. So they were MORE WORK and the SAME INSIDE as a Pentium that you had to pay more to get. Sold by VALUE, not by weight...

    Just suggesting that there's more ways to look at this than you suggest.
  • Joe HebertJoe Hebert Posts: 2,159
    John Nagy wrote:
    Curious about the views versus whatever... the count clearly does not increment by repeated entries by the same viewers, so - huh?
    Actually that’s exactly what it does. The view count is the total number of page views, plain and simple. Anytime a page is loaded by anyone for any reason it’s viewcount++

    A way to confirm this for yourself is to pick an old dead thread and note the view count. Go into that thread and reload it 9 times. Exit the thread and come back an hour or so later (the cron job that updates the view count should have run by then) and you’ll see the view count has incremented by 10.

    I was going to post this info much earlier after I researched this (I was curious myself) but this thread was sleeping and I didn’t want to be the one to wake it. But since the beast has arisen again...
  • viningvining Posts: 4,368
    John Nagy wrote: »
    You suggest AMX is to blame for a high price. I recall a web page unintentionally leftover from before the AMX deal, found by a poster here... that had $799 as the iPhone dealer price (the iPad wasn't even out yet). Seems it has gone down twice now.

    You suggest that because they are "the same" the iPad version shouldn't cost more. I suggest that the the iPhone version has been downpriced because of its relative lesser utility. Adjusting prices for market reasons is done every day. Remember Pentiums and Celerons? The Celerons were pentiums that had the coprocessor deliberately burned out or disconnected so they could sell them cheaper. So they were MORE WORK and the SAME INSIDE as a Pentium that you had to pay more to get. Sold by VALUE, not by weight...

    Just suggesting that there's more ways to look at this than you suggest.

    If I recall there was even a member that suggested $999.00 as the anticipated price tag. I myself suggested $399-$599 (I think) since I also expected AMX's hand in the decision process after the seemingly diapearance of TPC and subsequent re-asppearance with this "partnership deal". However the vaste majority of posters suggested much lower prices so my comment was intended to reflect the majority of opinions not the minority which included myself.

    And yes there will always be other ways to look at things than my viewpoint and even my view points change all the time as more information is gathered. We can agree to disagree or just disagree since in the grand scheme of things our opinions don't really matter. Well maybe just mine since you seem fairly well connected.
  • John NagyJohn Nagy Posts: 1,745
    I'm encouraged by the work being done to add intercom facilities to the iPad/iPhone support by TPC. If the intercom can work, the SIP GATEWAY will too. Meaning you'll be able to make phone calls from your iPad after all. There's not a projected date for this - they are working on it.
  • bobbob Posts: 296
    This one doesn't seem to follow the regular iPhone/iPad licensing model, i.e. buy once and run on up to five devices!!
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